Is Vlydo — the “Smart Video Marketing Tool”?

8 min readOct 14, 2015


Read more about Vlydo review & bonus here.

It’s no surprise to you that Vlydo was released on October 14, 2015. This tool which has been in the works for over a year adds to the list of video marketing tools available to video marketers these days. All these tools attempt to make video marketing more effective by providing functions and statistics to generate more sales, traffic, and profits. It can be asked however why exactly is Vlydo video player the supposed smart video marketing tool (what it’s branding itself — “smart video marketing”)?

In this post we will explore the new Vlydo player and how it can be used along with other snip-bits about video marketing tools in general.

What is Vlydo:

When I first saw Vlydo it seem like Youtube at your fingertips. You effectively had a replicate of Youtube and Vimeo for marketers. (knowing that Youtube is starting to remove commercial content, it certainly seems to be a good time for Vlydo to release for video marketers to host their videos in a user-friendly manner)

The objective of Vlydo is to allow you to have more controls over your video without being a techy or so it seems. You will be able to access the standard video player features on Vlydo video player:

- Storage on Amazon S3, Dropbox, or Google Drive: Vlydo allows for integration with three major storage services which enables you to store unlimited videos efficiently without concern about server management.

- Vlydo Video statistics: the critical essence to much of our marketing strategy is identifying what works, how much volume we’re getting (so we know how much to scale to increase profits) and decision making. With Vlydo you can identify your # of views, the play-rate & completions. Perhaps more importantly, is the opt-in rate, social activity, and embed rate. With these statistics you can find out how well your video is performing and strategize for how to advance your results.

- Video Split-testing: Integrate into Vlydo video player, unlike other video players, is the ability for you as a “smart video marketer” to split test your video and identify video performance. You can compare by plays, completion, and importantly opt in rate. This is useful if you want to see which video is more compelling for users to click through and watch (to know which placement image used that will bring the better audience interest to view the video.) You may also wish to identify how to make your videos more interesting so that people will stay through to the end and know what style of content or information your target audience is interested in. With option to check opt-in rate you can observe with a short video or a longer video can bring a better conversion rate (perhaps for your niche, the audience needs to gather more information before trusting you with their information or perhaps for the niche, such as gaming giveaway, the audience has a shorter attention span). With the video opt-in split testing you can also do case studies for call to action and specific content (such as increasing trust factor or adding benefits and power facts that may compel action — specifically in the medical niche) In effect, Vlydo allows you to increase your productivity and smart usage of your video content for marketing efforts. Learn more about your niche audience and get greater recurring results with split testing feature on Vlydo — smart video marketing.

There are several other features on Vlydo which we’ll brush through such as the (4) Auto responder integration — allowing you to integrate auto responder to your videos (5) advertising in-video ad banner — add an ad to your video easily with an upload (6) creating playlist — much like playlist on Youtube. Playlist on Vlydo can be used where you want to feature several informational message to your audience at one go such as in a members area

(7) “smart” controls — this is where you may show your ad on pause, auto-play on first visit, disable controls on pause, or “smart scrolling”. This is useful for the bells and whistles to make your video more catered to your usage. Customization is a big trend in society today and Vlydo video player allows you to customize your video actions to your audience application. In this example, a sales video you may wish to auto play on first visit where as for a niche information site you can use show ad on pause.

(8) extensions — What we like about Vlydo video player is the intensive effort that the developers seem to have put into making it a “smart video marketing tool” and a functional, useful tool in general. This is exemplified by the API that allow you to add Vlydo into your projects or maybe even a chrome extension and a WP plugin for Vlydo. So yes, we think it’s a bit playful to call Vlydo a smart video marketing tool but it certainly is smart in many ways and we’ve come to like what we’ve seen with Vlydo video player.

This isn’t so much to sell you on the features, you can read about it yourself…what we are interested in this post is exploring some ways that Vlydo may be used by a video marketer. It also labels itself as “smart video marketers” so we’d like to explore how Vlydo is a smart video marketing tool…though I suppose if you’re using video in your marketing, it’s a smart move hence maybe it’s trying to say smart, video marketing. (In reality, more content are being consumed today by video than text hence we should ideally make this into a video but there’s a time and place for everything. The point, using video correctly can give you an edge ahead of your competitors but it depends on how you use it that matters and amplifies the effect. We’ll look into more of this in the following segment concerning how you can use Vlydo in your video marketing strategy).

How can Vlydo be used?

We got a bit ahead of ourselves earlier and explored ways you may use specific Vlydo features available to video marketers on its new “smart video marketing tool”. In this segment, we hope to discuss general ideas of how to use Vlydo with your video marketing strategy

Video Marketing Lead — Video is a great means of communication; it requires less effort from the viewer to be receptive of the information being delivered. Use video marketing to generate leads for your business with Vlydo’s opt in form to your video. Use Vlydo video player on a variety of pages to split test different video and opt-in form. In effect, create a lead generating machine, good leads is equal to profit. Then create these pages to be search engine friendly and rank them for various terms. The video should provide you an added edge as search engine appreciate multiple mediums of content. Another thing you can do to even propel your search engine efforts is to distribute these variation of video onto various video hosting sites linked back to your video marketing lead gen site. This will get you more traffic and more link juice while you use Vlydo on your video marketing lead generation site to control your video and gauge your opt-in stats (percentage wise to traffic). Once you’ve done so, duplicate the same format of video that you made with the highest opt-in and test it again with at least 5 video pages. Once this is proven to be consistently high, use this as the platform for the rest of your SEO traffic using Vlydo to build a lead generation website.

Membership Site — Another cool thing about video beyond the ability to use it for your sales page and lead generation efforts is the ability to use it as a content delivery platform. This is excellent for those membership sites on WordPress that want to communicate more effectively with their members through video (creating a simple tutorial video in 20 minutes presentation can be easier than trying to depict and write the content to a 2000 word article, like this here). So you can use Vlydo’s playlist to curate the content for your members. You can be in control of your video player and use the smart controls to play ads on pauses to generate more revenue or serve as tool reminders. Importantly, the stats at your fingertips will allow you to gauge what content members like. You may even consider integrating the lead generation feature for separate pages on your membership sites. Generating leads elsewhere with Vlydo’s opt in feature.

These are only two ideas that you can apply Vlydo to. We’re beginning to find that Vlydo has a lot of potential and possibilities to generate more leads, traffic, and revenue for a video marketer. It is certainly a smart video marketing tool to help you amplify your efforts with video marketing AND get more intentional with your video marketing content to up your results and profits.

Smart Video Marketing Tool:

So here we are back at the question, “is Vlydo truly a smart video marketing tool?” or is it all hype and a little bit of a joke by the product developers? Base on our understanding of the software, we certainly think it’s a smart video marketing tool.

We like the features that permit any video marketer to be more precise in their video marketing strategy and generate more results with their video.

In conclusion video is a smart way for marketers to communicate with their audience and Vlydo is a smart video marketing tool depending on how you look at the software. Vlydo may not be smart for everyone though for those who use it correctly, it can certainly be a smart video marketing tool. It’s smart that it allows the flexibility of usage, it gives you control over your videos, and it has a few smart features such as the split-testing feature. It’s smart that it’s really user orientated, affordable, and created intentlally to help video marketers like yourself. It’s smart that it’s encouraging people to use video marketing which is a smart way to move onwards in today’s internet marketing strategy. It isn’t smart that it’s fully automated solution for you; you have a tool that you can use to get more stats, generate more leads and profit but it’s still in your hands to use it and see how you apply the tool.

Here are more video marketing tools recommended on Open Forums.

Read more about Vlydo in this Vlydo review on

Here’s more useful resource on Video Marketing:

