The Presentation of INTRO Analitica

3 min readApr 15, 2018

We have an already working project. It calls INTRO Analitica.

The website of INTRO Analitica is

INTRO Analitica in English is

INTRO Analitica is the system of monitoring and control of the market of new constructions.

What is “INTRO Analitica”?

INTRO Analitica is an unique information system that makes the primary real estate market in Russia absolutely transparent.


The database of INTRO Analitica includes the information about the sales of primary real estate, the registers of market participants, the registers of objects of real estates with the a detailed plan of apartments.


On the basis of information from the database the flexibly customizable interface allows you to get information about the real estate market in dozens of sections, compare the objects, developers, the groups of companies.


The database of the construction objects and sales allow us to calculate the balances, the history of sales allows us to predict the future sales, see the unoccupied niches and the most successful formats of real estate.

A variety of functions of INTRO Analitica

The full market database

The sales information is presented graphically and in tables.

The convenient presentation of information

A variety of widgets shows the parameters of the real estate market in the location.

The extensive analysis capabilities

The flexible tools allow you to analyze the objects that you need.

The ability of service

The full information about market participants

The registers of the groups of companies, developers, new buildings and the contracts of participation in shared construction

Monitoring of competitors

Market analysis, the comparison of groups of companies, developers, objects

Sales and development planning

The information about balances and sales forecasts allow you to identify the best-selling objects of construction and competently plan the new facilities.

The sphere of application


The market research, the analysis of competitors, pricing policy, the development of project concepts.


The study of the mortgage market, the formation of strategies for the development of mortgage programs. The calculations of project financing. The underwriting of developers.

Estate agency

To know the sales volumes and market trends. The remains of real estate objects at the developers. Investment calculations.


The Publication of analytical materials. The journalism of database research. Forecasts.

The cases of usage

The planning of new home

The service of INTRO Analitica will allow you to build apartment descriptions for the new object based on the database about the sales of new buildings and to consider the remains of the apartments in nearby buildings.

New location

The monitoring system of INTRO Analitica will show the number of proposals in the area of proposed development, to view the sales and forecast about the date of realization of the object, which will help to make decisions about the buying of the object.

Your share in the market

The system of INTRO Analitica allows you to see all the transactions of the agreements of share construction in city, to see the share of any developer in the construction market and compare it with the own dynamics of sales.

The Functions and capabilities of the service

  • Sales dynamics
  • The register of developers and new buildings
  • Information about developers
  • Information about real estate Objects
  • The planning of objects
  • The fund of unsold real estate
  • The comparison of developers and objects
  • The developer’s and real estate object’s ratings




INTRO is an eco-system of online services for residential construction market players