
A short poem about love for the ocean. In the rhythm of the dancing waves I see the reflection of graceful sacred poetic love.“Boundless Love for the Ocean” is a great treasure hidden in the depths of the lightness of an evening marble-orange sunset on a sandy beach under the moon.

Inna Orjola
2 min readJun 23, 2022
Author’s photo — Inna Orjola

“Be the ocean of love so that everyone can come to you to enjoy the beauty of the beach.”― Debasish Mridha

Wave swept over the breath
Incredible shine

Plunged into a whirlwind
Incomprehensible desire

Ultimate soul plexus
Dream of happiness

Sounds of love
Strings enchanted the night

This piercing love
Kisses of endless radiance

Immeasurable passion
Love for the beautiful ocean.

October 9, 2021 — vss365Twitter

“Women and ocean have that undulating factor to draw one to the state of peace or chaos within. It all depends on their mood!”
Henrietta Newton Martin — Legal Counsel & Author

“Drops of kindness, dripping down to another, as a drop into the ocean
watering, our own heart.
Love is the guide, teacher
and humble servant-
It waters our cells.
Open to love,
be love.”
― Ulonda Faye,
Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

“I want to accidentally fall into a deep ocean of love and get lost.”― Debasish Mridha

“I want to be a ripple in the infinite ocean of love.”
― Debasish Mridha

“Life is nothing but a sea shell in the ocean of love.”
― Debasish Mridha

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed your journey through my universe and stay tuned for new verses: Inna Orjola — Medium

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