5G: What You Need to Know and How to Prepare Your Business for It

4 min readOct 15, 2019


Not long ago, the 4G network was the buzz for all telecommunication spaces. It came to life in 2012, and it was a significant improvement from the former networks. Some of the notable changes included rapid image and music downloads and almost buffer-free video streaming. Fast forward to 2019, and we are now anticipating what is going to be a game-changer in the industry — the 5th Generation network. It is expected to roll out any time from 2020, and everyone can’t wait, especially the tech-filled minds.

It is no different from the other networks, in the sense that it works through radio frequencies. However, its frequencies move data quicker than conventional networks. The speeds are expected to range between 50–100 times more than its predecessor, the 4G network. Pundits say that the new network will leverage artificial intelligence and denser, but small antennas. But will this affect your business? And if so, how will it change things, how will you prepare for this massive transformation? Luckily, we have all the answers to any queries you have. But first of all, what’s all the hype about 5G for? How different is it, and what does it bring to the table? Here are some of the 5g benefits for business:

· It is quicker than the previous networks.

· Supports 250+ devices per square kilometer.

· 24/7 access to bandwidth from mobile devices.

· Brings the typical ‘dead spot’ to an end.

· It will improve Internet of Things(IoT) and Artificial Intelligence(AI).

· Better virtual technology application.

Going deeper, your business stands to gain a lot from the introduction of the 5th Generation network. The above are the general improvements from this emerging technology. However, if you are to look closely at how such a drastic change will impact businesses from 2020, here are some of the things to consider:

It will improve remote working and efficiency

Initially, the former networks made it a challenge to use video links during communication due to freezes. With 5G, this will soon be a story for your grand-kids. It brings seamless connectivity without any disruptions.

Branch synergy

Most developed businesses have several branches spread out all over the globe. 5G for business will help all of these branches to transfer information at high speeds and securely.

Reduced dependency on Wi-Fi

Due to the boosted speeds and efficiency, there will be little to no need for using Wi-Fi networks, especially for your staff. They can work from anywhere, literally.

Now that we have tackled the potential benefits your business will accrue from the 5th generation network, here are some of the ways to get your business prepared:

Get your systems ready

When it’s ready to debut, then you should equally be prepared as a business. It all starts with handling all security issues and improving your capability. Of course, every business is unique, but some of the common factors to tackle include boosting cloud computing and making all the networks virtual.

The advent of 5G network promises more than an essential improvement from the former. For instance, a video that took you between four to five minutes to download will now be ready in less than ten seconds — imagine what the heck of a rate that is. As much as your business may not be pegged on downloading videos, this is an excellent illustration of the incredible speed to expect from the 5G network. Thus, you need to configure all your systems to be ready for this massive improvement.

Leverage on existent resources

As a business, you must have your tech providers. Ask them if they are investing in the needed infrastructure for the migration process. The chances are that they are in the process of advancing the new technology at different seminars and talks. They might even be willing to show you more about 5G and how it will work for you.

Getting insight into 5G for business is very crucial, and they can help you and your staff gain substantive expertise and knowledge. You can equally join the innovation network and meet in forums where new or emerging tech is discussed.

Make your strategy early

Don’t be the last minute business person. Not to mean that you must get the needed resources for installing 5G for business now, but rather developing the required strategy early enough. Emerging technologies require a lot of planning, and beginning when it is launched is shooting yourself on foot. There’s no time to waste right now. We are barely a few months to the commencement of the 5G network.

Capitalize on crafting the perfect plan right now, so that you are not left behind when everything kick starts. So, how can one begin to strategize? It’s simple, start with analyzing the daily operations of the business and checking out how products, services, and processes will be affected by the 5th Generation network.


It is no longer mere talk that the 5G network is set to kick off in the subsequent year. As this is the case, you have seen what is in store and how you can use 5G for business. However, make sure that you are ready and not off-guard when everything starts. There is a lot more to expect with this new network, and seeing is believing. Get set and ready.

Reach out to our experts for a detailed discussion on this.

Reference articles: https://www.itproportal.com/features/the-advent-of-5g-will-lead-to-industry-50-heres-what-you-need-to-know-and-how-your-company-needs-to-prepare/





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