Blockchain ISOTIS — universal, free, rational

ISOTIS / Blockchain
3 min readFeb 28, 2018

ISOTIS — is a blockchain- development platform, is currently conducting pre-ICO, the terms of which are presented on the site
What is unique blockchain ISOTIS?

1. The Java programming language, which is used by the project, allows to solve the main tasks of the customer, while the popularity of this language and its flexibility increases the convenience of the platform for enterprises that are not ready to allocate a single specialist to control the blockchain system. These tasks are the responsibility of the team ISOTIS and the platform automatically solves common tasks, and individually (by experts ISOTIS), more difficult questions of implementation and control blockchain in the organization — client.
2. ISOTIS smart contracts can regulate legal, managerial and technical working conditions at the level of the program code. This allows you to create a blockchain that completely replaces paper documents and electronic media thanks to verification and maximum data protection. In addition, it is possible to include payment systems in smart contracts, which will integrate commodity and payment transactions within the same system (and avoid the need to coordinate individual systems in the work of the customer company).
3. Individualization of the blockchain to the needs of the customer. ISOTIS regulates the ordering algorithm through the terms of reference form, which is initially adapted to the requests of programmers. As a result, after completing this document, client programmers can quickly create a test version of the platform that meets the needs of the enterprise — which significantly saves time and simplifies the development process.
4. For particularly valuable information, there is possibility of using the ISOcrypt — multidimensional encryption technology, which allows to protect data from theft or loss not only through blockchain, but also by additional methods, which is extremely important for financial transactions and the transfer of confidential information. This makes the ISOTIS blockchain extremely interesting for financial institutions, notaries and property rights accounting.
5.ISOnod consensus algorithm is unique, allowing to minimize possible errors in blockchain. This algorithm uses the ability to change the role of transaction participants to exclude the possibility of intentional errors. As a result, at the stage of internal testing of the ISOTIS blockchain, the algorithm made it possible to verify clients at the transaction level — which is convenient for some industrial and financial organizations.

The presented characteristics are only a part of the unique and perspective project ISOTIS. Together with blockchain, the ISOTIS team develops technological solutions such as neural networks and biometric identification — which makes the development of ISOTIS unique and breakthrough for both business and for the participants and partners of the project.
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ISOTIS / Blockchain

The “ISOTIS” project is aimed at the introduction of a single platform for the development of blockchain projects in all areas of activity.