ITTKK Branding — NFTs and Crypto alpha

3 min readApr 7, 2022


You like NFTs, don’t you degens?

Why ITKK? Why Kids Cartoons? Why the Joke?

….Can’t this stuff just be fun…?

By: ChuckieCheese.eth

When I look at the current landscape of alpha communities/projects, it’s always the same thing. Aggressive names that are supposed to be edgy or associate the name with money. No hate to people that like those names, I get it. Trading and making money is serious and the trope is that it is sleek, sexy, and cool to make profits. My mantra is a bit different. My ideology for investing has always been about investing in what’s different, what will be the next big thing. Always be a step ahead. Sounds very serious, but this is what led to ITTKK.

The entire crypto/nft space is hilarious. I buy and sell pixels that exist on a screen, art, anime girls, apes, penguins, every other animal in the kingdom, and all manner of other wild things that I can’t quite explain. All of this for thousands and thousands of dollars per jpeg at times. I’m not here to give financial advice, I’m here to give life advice. At our hearts we are all true degens in some way shape or form. Whether you’re a degen enjoying the art, the techy degen staring at blockchain code, or a finance degen evaluating the money side of things, we all came from somewhere. For most of us in the space, that somewhere is watching cartoons, playing with figurines from our favorite shows, trading yu-gi-oh and pokemon cards, and look at us now. We are the most dominant demographic of the crypto space, so now it has evolved into a place where we trade pictures of those things on the internet, because we can own them now. So now I wonder, ITTKK?

ITTKK = Is This the Krusty Krab?

The famous line from the hit tv show Spongebob Squarepants with the even more famous response, “NO, THIS IS PATRICK”. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, it is a fantastic cartoon and you should watch it. It’s based around a sponge named Spongebob and his various characters with all the other creatures in the sea. If nautical nonsense is something you wish, watch some Spongebob Squarepants.

What does ITTKK represent to us?

It represents the people in our community. Quantitative traders staring at algorithms and numbers all day can still joke and be a kid at heart. Artists creating nft works selling for tens of thousands are still able to embrace that childhood that created them. Why can’t we all just be who we are, laugh a little bit, and build each other up? We can still embrace the goofy things that create us and help each other grow both financially and personally. It is important not to take everything so seriously all the time. That’s how you get high blood pressure, and rich, not happy and rich. We all need to kick back a little, and have some fun. ITTKK should hope to share knowledge and help everyone make it, truly embrace the philosophy of WAGMI. Community is everything, community is what makes the space it is, let us not forget that. I hope many of you will take the journey with us, and do our part to help each other succeed, and maybe piss your pants laughing in the process.

Stay Cheesy

