8 min readApr 25, 2022


By: NPC (3,3)#2352

[ A rough breakdown for the project for those wanting to be pilled leading up to the launch of PZ-01 ]

“PILLS transforms Ethereum into an epic, extendable on-chain RPG set inside a crypto-themed universe called Chainspace.”


There’s a lot to unpack but best to start here:

PILLS Mirror Site — https://pills.mirror.xyz/
Project Twitter — https://twitter.com/pillsuniverse
Pillhead Twitter — https://twitter.com/pillheadddd
Discord — discord.gg/pillsuniverse

(Recommend reading through the #start-here and #faq channels in the discord first)

For all things alpha, one of the community members created the Alpha Pills site to share everything shown/discussed in discord and the community calls that may not be easily found elsewhere. It also includes a solid gallery section.

Alpha Pills — https://alphapills.vercel.app/

Opensea collection — https://opensea.io/collection/pills

Disclaimer: this is a very brief guide for those wanting a quick alpha breakdown and does not do nearly enough justice to everything involved. I highly suggest joining the discord and following socials to learn more.

To put it as simply as possible, PILLS is an on-chain MMORPG.

The project launched early 2021 with the release of the first pill NFTs and has deliberately stayed quiet to build in peace and prepare for the first part of the launch. A bigger push has kicked off in recent months through twitter and within the discord in the lead up with more info being shared on features of the universe, sneak peeks, BTS snippets and more and this will continue to grow. There will be short videos to explain parts of the universe as well as pills being launched for some other NFT projects which will bring attention to PILLS. So far it’s been difficult for some new people to enter the project and understand everything that is going on but the team is fully aware of this and upcoming info shared will help.

Lead by the CapsuleDAO team and Pillhead, the project’s being built with amazing community input too from artists, beatcrafters and lorecrafters and everything in between. The lore team won the recent SpiceDAO lore contest as well as a recent Tubby Cat lore contest. Lore has always been a major focus for the project and has been building since the early stages. I think people will realise how good it is once they get to start interacting with the universe. A lot of the art you see shared on socials came from community contributors but it all started with the amazing art from the main artist (https://twitter.com/POWAOFTEHKOWA) that originally (and continues to) pulled a lot of people in to the project.

Early art of a Blockworm


Excluding the Portalpills, there are currently little over 1,600 pill NFTs of mixed edition sizes on the secondary marketplace that were distributed via various methods. The only pills that were ever sold were the Genesis pills and the Unipill. The Shadowpak pills were sold also however all proceeds from the Shadowpak pill sales goes to the Shadowpakt faction treasury. Some were distributed through Pranksy’s NFTboxes (various Mempills) however all the rest were airdropped/gifted to people for other reasons. Some examples include: Kirbonite went to people that got rugged on the eminence contract. Rektpill went to those who got rekt on gas when trying to get the Genesis pill. Mirrorpill went to people who voted for the team to get on Mirror. Hypepill was given to those that retweeted the Hypepill video on Twitter.

These pills will offer a boost to your in-game avatar/character in the form of either a trait, wearable, faction membership, or a pet.

The pills are split into 2 rarity categories:

‘EGODETH’ which are the rarest (Gen 1 pills on Opensea filters)

‘SYNTH’ (Gen 2 and above on Opensea)

Portalpills act as the ‘mint pass’ for one avatar. All current holders of the other pills were/are able to redeem a portalpill for each pill they hold (e.g. someone holds a Mirrorpill and a Rektpill, they can redeem two Portalpills — one from each). Currently not every portalpill has been redeemed and there is the opportunity still to pick up a pill off secondary that has not yet had it’s portalpill claimed.

If you want to go shopping on secondary and need to check if a portalpill has been claimed, you can do so using the Pill Checker tool at https://www.pills.forsale/

You can pick up a Portalpill directly off secondary now also if you just want an avatar for launch however there will be an opportunity to get a Portalpill via other methods soon as there will be a total of 22,000 available. You won’t need to hold the other pills to play the game but you will need a Portalpill as that gives you your avatar.

Further info on the pillboost details and upcoming Portalpill distribution are included later in the article under the PZ-01 launch details.


The two species you will get to select to play as in-game are the Pepel and the Hashmonk.

Some Pepel examples:

Early concept art of the Pepels

Some Hashmonk examples:

Early concept art of the Hashmonks

Following launch, every avatar will also be receiving a fully rigged 3D version as well.

When creating your avatar, the customisation options run deep and you will have the chance to customise various traits to your liking along with your avatars origin as well as choosing a starting faction to align with in-game which are based on DeFi protocols including — Alchemix, Aave, Sushi, Temple, Olympus, Uniswap, Yearn and Badger. There will be ways to stake the relevant factions governance token (i.e. OHM, SUSHI, UNI) to earn faction reputation points (FRP) which can later be utilised for upgrades/unlocks in the game.

Example of faction selection screen

Faction recruiters

You will come across some major characters in-game based on prominent figures in the crypto space including some of the following (also see here for more — https://storymode.pills.forsale/characters/):

Yield Lord Andre. Leader of the Yield Clan Yearn.

Andre in 3D

The C.Z.A.R. (Centralized Autonomous Response) — a sentient code function, created to maintain the balance of de/centralization across Chainspace due to a flaw in the EVM. (a.k.a CZ)

Yield Lord Maki. Leader of the Yield Clan Sushi.

Banteg. A renegade Yield Hunter allied with the Yield Clan Yearn.

Vitalik the Vyper-God is a prime architect of the Ethereum chain, designer of the EVM and custodian and teacher of the Vyper language.

Yield Lord Stani. Former lieutenant of Cron the Ape and leader of the Yield Clan Aave.


“The CAPSULE team have been developing PZ-01 — our first feature release — alongside talented contributors within the PILLS community.

In this release, you can create a unique avatar in the avatar creation system, level it up, join a faction like Yearn, Sushi, Uniswap or Olympus and acquire new wearables to customize your look.”

In April/May, the first part of the launch kicks off with the Portalpill raffle and auction for the rarer ‘EGODETH’ Portalpills prior to the avatar creation. There will be an upcoming interactive web quest people will need to complete in order to get access to this and full details of this will be shared soon. Keep an eye on the discord and socials for announcements.

For a full breakdown on the current details around the Portalpill distribution along with further info on the various pillboost details, see here-


Along with the above, the team will also be releasing unique pills that other projects will have access to as holders of those project’s NFTs.

Details on how what these communities will need to do in order to obtain these has yet to be released.

0xmons pill teaser

Tubby Cats pill teaser

Wassies pill teaser


To get access to the game, you will need a Portalpill. These are currently the cheapest pills on the secondary market however as per above, there is going to be an upcoming raffle to get a chance at obtaining one also or via auction if you want to try obtain the rarer ‘EGODETH’ Portalpills.

There will be 22,000 Portalpills in total. Current ones listed on secondary are those that were redeemed from other pills.

Your other entry into the pills ecosystem (ignoring entry to the game) is to hold an NFT from the projects getting unique pills soon (e.g. Tubby Cats, CrypToadz, Wassies etc.) and to keep an eye out on updates on how to try secure one.

I believe your best bet is to secure the current pills that offer pillboosts along with a portalpill to play the game. Currently there are only little over 1,600 of these and PZ-01 is launching with 22,000 Portalpills (22,000 avatars). It’s worth noting that an avatar can be boosted up to five times also:

1 Origin Trait: Where your avatar is from
1 Background Trait: Your experiences growing up
1 Talent Trait: A specific ability you have a talent for
1 Wearable: A single wearable item. Note faction pills offer wearables also.
1 Pet: A single pet.

Given the small supply ratio vs. number of avatars in addition to the benefits they offer via their boost utility, these will always be highly desired.


Questing, crafting, combat, pets and more sophisticated faction gameplay launches in subsequent feature releases throughout 2022.

See you in Chainspace.

