Apostle Larry
1 min readFeb 20, 2018


“Facts tell, stories sell”
Telling a story is a great way to sell the spirit of your product/service and the values of your company to prospective customers. Research has shown that customers are getting bored of direct marketing, they engage more with brands telling stories, and these stories influence their purchasing behaviour.

Case study – Between 2010 and 2017, GTB took a large market share in the banking industry by selling her company’s culture & values through story telling.

Whether its explainer videos, inspiring ads or comedy skits, video is one of the tipping points in digital marketing for 2018. It is a powerful tool that gives you 3x more result than most digital marketing tools. Using a video to tell your brand story is definitely a game changer. Turn those likes to actual sales.
Great story + Strategic video marketing = Great sales.

Now, how can you tell your brand story effectively?

Click here to get a FREE consultation.

Want to get in touch?


Apostle Larry

Entrepreneur — Digital Marketer, Business Strategist & Creative Copywriter // Chief Marketing Officer at Epower.ng