7 Steps of Poetry Writing — How to Write Poetry for Beginners

Muhammad Mehedi Hasan
3 min readAug 24, 2019


Had you ever tried to write a poem? Today I am breaking down this with a How-to guide. Read carefully.

How to Write Poetry for Beginners

Every man has own feelings to express; it depends on him or her. It is not so easy, but hard to longtime practice also.

The great poet did one thing properly, they discovered their emotion and wrote those as an expression. A poem is an art. It is a transformation of your experiences and imaginations.

Here I’ll cover 7 steps to write a poem, and you may follow at the very beginning.

1. Select your poem topic. It might be related to your emotions or your imaginations. Such as Love, Relations, About your Life events which give you happy or unhappy feelings.

2. Poem Structure depends on its nature. You can just narrate what you feel. Those sentences you should separate line by line using right punctuation. In poetry, there is no need to correct grammatical rules. As a beginner, you should use rhyming words. Select your rhyming words, when you write your first poem. Think first; you give your messages through the poem to your readers or audiences.

3. Start with a good line: Which attracts your readers. You know that the first impression is the best impression. It helps a reader to read poem attentively. And you should not give such an unclear and complex expression to understand.

4. Make Questions of your feelings, and try to get all the question’s answers. Put those in the right place. Which words are you using in your poem; you have to know the clear meaning of all words. You may use a dictionary (online or paperback).

5. Reciting when you write your poem. It is important and makes sense of whatever you write down. Every verse has a different metrical composition. In that way, you can clearly understand how your readers will feel.

6. A poem length depends on you. How long you write? It might be 12 lines with 3 verses or 16 lines with 4 verses. But make sure your poem must have a meaningful and understandable sense.

7. When your poem is ready to initial version (draft), you need to edit to make a final version. You can post your Facebook wall; it is a great practice to get initial feedback from your friends and family members. They criticize your work; they may appreciate your poem. On the other sense, it helps you to write more poems.

Bonus: I wrote a poem for you. Give your feedback on the comment box.

Salutations — Poem

A day starting with sunlight
A soul asleep at midnight;
Becoming a dreadnought rising
At the moment happiness blowing.

Oh! Great, my Almighty,
Again, wake up to live;
Thanks to you, drive me well,
Suddenly ringing the bell.

We have many reasons-
To take breathing,
You gave us a whole world with sheltering;
However, we made mistakes; you have forgiveness,
Every day, we should count our diminutive success.

Your Turn!

In the sum up, you know your feelings, and you should try to express your feelings with words. It drives you to make a more creative person.
So practice more and more. And get feedback from your audiences. Good Luck.

