Andrew Liin電腦音樂研究筆記 Computer Music Research Notes你了解你演奏的聲音嗎?電腦如何輔助音樂人進步我們都知道對於音樂人、樂手,聲音是很難精準地去形容的。畢竟形容聲音的詞彙大都是主觀的,「好聽」、「有感情」這些都是常聽到的。Jun 12, 2022Jun 12, 2022
Andrew LiBeing a UX/UI Designer with Computer Science Degree in Cathay HackathonI was always trying to achieve a better way for a project, or creating a product. There is no single answer. Courses on LinkedIn Learning…Feb 2, 2022Feb 2, 2022