Why women shit test?

Shit tests. They seem cruel, don’t they? Why would a woman who says she is in love with you intentionally or subconsciously pick and test at you at every turn? Not just the bitchy girls, not just the “dumb bimbos” or trashy girls, but even the sweetest, most unassuming of them will grab their chisels and try to see how much they can chip off. Why is that?

Many I’ve seen here (especially those in the anger phase) would say it’s because women are evil, because they are selfish, because they hate men, or a myriad of other poorly thought out reasons. But as I, and many others who have gone past the beginning stages, have learned, most women are not so plainly bad. Much like a dog is not evil for salivating at the sight of food, a man is not evil for getting an erection at seeing a naked woman, or a baby is not evil for crying when it’s hungry, a woman is not evil for having baser instincts.

So why do women shit test?

Let’s say I sell you a glass object and say it’s unbreakable. “Like, actually unbreakable?” Yes, 100%, lifetime money back guarantee at any time if it’s broken. What’s the first thing you want to do? Throw it against the ground, of course! Surprise, it doesn’t break. “Hmm, maybe I’ll hit it with this hammer?” Nope, still the same. “OK, I’ve had it a few years, let’s see if it’s still strong”. Yep, same as ever. It’s the same reason you see the “un-spillable cup” infomercials having someone doing everything they can to knock it over. That same urge that drives you to break the unbreakable is the same reason people flock to escape artists, daredevils, and tight wire walkers. We don’t watch to see them fail, but to prove to us they won’t.

You see, that’s what women do when they shit test. We sell them on the idea that we are unbreakable man. Any man can puff out his chest, pretend to be dominant, and pretend to be an alpha, but even under the slightest pressure most break. That’s what shit tests do, they break weak men. But women don’t want a weak man, they want a strong one. But they are so hard to find, a really, truly strong man.

She doesn’t want to break you, she wants you to prove you are unbreakable.

Men don’t shit test women because we admire and adore their fragility. Breaking a woman, unless you are some sort of masochist, brings no pleasure. It’s like kicking a puppy. We know they would break at the least resistance. Women are porcelain. Beautiful, but fragile. Their beauty is in their fragility. Men? We are steel. Rough and ugly, but strong. We are the support that holds up the world. Unbreakable. Women love an unbreakable man. They are instantly drawn to a man’s strength, dominance, and steadfastness. But many men appear to be steel, but are actually copper, weak and malleable. A woman’s job is to test a man’s metal and weed out the weak steel from the real steel.

This is why you’ll find that women who are intentionally dating known betas will not shit test them. They know the outcome. I remember when I first got into this, and approached women in my beta days, they would never shit test me. They knew I wasn’t a real man. They would be happy to talk to me, happy to waste my time, of course never leading anywhere. But as I got better, as I began to fit into my big boy shoes, women started to take me seriously. I wasn’t just some little boy working up courage to talk to them, I was a legitimate potential partner.

For you? The real man? The strong man? The man who is in control? The man who not only wants the world, but wants it begging for your ownership? You will get shit tested at every turn. Approach a beautiful woman? Shit test. Having a conversation? Shit test. About to have sex? Shit test. Start dating? Shit test. Move in together? Shit test. On a date? Shit test. Married 5 years? Shit test.

This may seem hard or unfair, but it really isn’t. If you want all the benefits of being alpha (attracting beautiful women, having multiple sex partners, etc) but none of the responsibilities, you are just a sheep in wolf’s clothing. So when you complain about shit tests, you are not showing how evil she is, but how weak you are. Work on that.

Ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.




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