The Bus Stop

8 min readJul 22, 2016


Artwork done by Tobe. Follow his instagram: Tobelliot

This is for ManderzNneomsJasarnieeFOshoDavidMavSophsDebolaJolaBojChimoneyTessKeneEstherSojJerryBodyFayoBemsFloTOBE(thanksfortheartwork)Gbope(thanksfortheediting)Eniola(thanksforpickingthedate)Fiyin(thanksforreadingmyshit)LamsandTomiwa(thanksforthefeedback)andeveryoneelsethatI’mforgettingatthemomentbutIlove,thankyou.


He sat pensively, the events of the morning weighing heavily on his mind. He moved to wipe the bead of sweat that has appeared upon his forehead. The sun had reached its peak in the sky and was beaming down upon him, in his heavy suit, yet he paid it no mind. His breathing was less frantic, but his eyes still darted all around him, taking in any potential threats. The briefcase rested next to his left leg; A rust colored stain marred the handle of the briefcase, he could not tell if it was own blood, or the blood of his former best friend. Former, because he was deceased. Deceased, because he killed him. He did not have the look of a murderer. His facial features were soft, his green eyes covered by horn-rimmed glasses. His jet black hair was a tousled mess, while his frame was lithe yet elegant. What the world could not see, was the darkness inside of him. The evil that arises from a place of greed mixed with desperation. It was what fueled his actions that morning, and what kept him alert as he waited for his bus to arrive.

“It was pretty fucked up…they kicked the absolute shit out of him, and for what?”

Ray panted heavily as he shuffled his gargantuan frame under the meager protection the bus stop provided from the sun. Phil followed behind him, equally confused about the scene they had witnessed not up to thirty minutes ago.

“I honestly hate those guys. Such pricks. They do whatever they want, and their asses still get kissed by the rest of the school.”

Ray grunted in agreement as he took a seat to catch his breath. He barely took notice of the man to his far left. His dark brown skin glistened with sweat, the heat from the sun was beginning to turn from uncomfortable to oppressive and all he really wanted was a large cup of coffee ice cream. Phil, standing opposite of Ray, was his physical opposite. He was a six foot five string bean that was threatened to fade into oblivion every time a heavy wind blew.

“All he had to say was, don’t lean against my car, but instead he nearly breaks the guy’s jaw with half of his fucking goon squad cheering him on like braindead idiots. They’re just bad people. What is his problem?”

This caught the man’s attention, though he did not let on that he was listening. What did these teenagers know of good and bad? He was of the belief that by nature, all men are bad, wicked, callous, despicable. He knew that we went against our nature by trying to fight it. His mind raced as he thought of the mask he put on daily, the composed young man with the beautiful wife and great job. His fucking jaw ached from the plastic smile he’d plaster on daily while dealing with clients at his advertising firm. Some nights he’d lay awake and stare at his wife, her dainty frame snuggled tight under the blankets and sometimes he felt like screaming until his vocal chords bled. Society wanted him to be complacent, to be happy with being subdued and docile but most days he felt like a caged panther being stared at by grubby handed children from the other side of the glass and he longed to sink his teeth into their fleshy necks.

“Where is this damn bus?”

Ray’s frustration began to build as he spent more time in the heat. All he wanted to do was get to Phil’s house and avoid the assignments he had to do. He hated going home. The only thing that was waiting for him at home was non-stop insults from his father and silent looks of disgust from his mother. Home meant never being comfortable in his skin and loathing himself in the mirror, so he stayed away. Phil’s house was a refuge of sorts. His parents treated him like a member of the family without any type of judgement. He felt at peace there. He gazed up at Phil, who was engrossed with something on his phone, and wondered if he’d ever be able to tell him that he was in love with him. He’d keep quiet for the sake of their friendship but sometimes the heartache was too much to bear.

Phil wasn’t sure how to reply to her. He had been looking for the right way to finally ask her out, but he was still building up the courage. Ray wasn’t much help when it came to discussing her, so he kept his confusion to himself, his brow furrowing tightly. The text read “I have no plans tonight, probably just going to lay around and listen to music.” This was his golden opportunity. He could picture them sitting on the bench in the park down the street from his house. The scent of cocoa butter in the air as he held her close. Her slightly raspy laugh as he said something incredibly witty, dazzling her and making her fall in love. The sun setting in the distance. “Would you like to come and hang out with me?” With a racing heart, he pressed send.

Shayla ran towards the bus stop, only slowing her pace when she realized that the bus was uncharacteristically late. Sweat patches dotted her nursing scrubs as the sun continued to blaze angrily. She clutched her purse a little more tightly when she noticed the two black boys. She told herself that she wasn’t a racist, it was just a precaution since her sister-in-law had gotten mugged just last week. She sat down and infinitesimally slid closer to the handsome young man who seemed to be lost in thought. She searched her mind for a charming anecdote to spark up a conversation when his phone rang.

“Have you heard from Reese?”

The voice at the other end of the phone contained notes of worry, but nothing too serious.

“No Maya, I haven’t heard from him since yesterday. Is everything okay?”

A lie. The world was his stage and he was giving an award-winning performance.

“Normally he calls me during his lunch break, just to check on me and the baby but he didn’t call today. I’ve been calling his phone and he’s not picking up, and they haven’t seen him at work today.”

He remembered the look on Reese’s face when he had plunged the piece of broken glass deep into his chest with a rage he masked daily. He didn’t even feel remorse. How could he feel remorse for the weak? If he had been strong, he would have survived to protect what he wanted but he was not and the briefcase was no longer his.

“That’s really strange. I wouldn’t worry too much, maybe he’s somewhere blowing off some steam. I’ll give him a call and keep my eyes peeled. I’m sure he’ll surface in a bit.”

He would not surface. He was lying in the abandoned building that they had met in this morning and he would remain there until someone stumbled upon him.

“Thank you so much, I’ll be on searching as well!”

The line clicked and there was silence again. He was almost done looking at the past. He was fed up with his life. He was supposed to discuss what to do with the briefcase with Reese, but something had given way inside of him. Why couldn’t he just take it? Why did he have to listen to any rules or laws or fucking moral compass? He looked to his right, surprised by the woman that had seemingly appeared from nowhere. She looked like she’d be a good fuck. He was waiting for the bus to take him to the depot. Then from there, he would run and never look back. He was leaving his cage and heaven help anyone that would try and stop him.

Phil was pacing back and forth anxiously, waiting for a reply to his text. He had run through a hundred different scenarios in his mind and each one ended with his humiliation at the hands of a girl too beautiful for him.

Shayla felt she had waited the appropriate time since the phone call had ended and turned to her left.

“The bus is awfully late today, I hope nothing is wrong.”

He reflexively turned towards her, and in doing so, knocked the briefcase over. He decided to answer her before moving to pick it up.

“I’m sure there was a minor technical issue or there’s some traffic, probably nothing to get too worried over.” He flashed her a brief but charming smile.

Phil saw the briefcase on the ground and decided to help the guy out by handing it to him. He reached towards the briefcase when the man stood abruptly and grabbed his shirt collar like he was ready to deliver a murderous punch, with a grim look in his eyes.

Shayla grabbed her purse even tighter as she watched the man fight off the would-be thief.

Ray snapped out of his daydream and saw Phil under attack. He jumped up and threw his considerable weight into the man, knocking him off balance.

“What the fuck is wrong with you man?! I was just tryna help pick up your damn briefcase, are you fucking crazy?!”

It was more fear than fury which flooded Phil’s body as he yelled at the man. Ray stood in front of him and acted as a human barrier while Shayla ran to the man’s aid.

“I’m a nurse, are you okay? Do you want me to call the police? Damn thugs, can never just leave good people alone.”

“I’m okay and the police won’t be necessary, it was just a misunderstanding that’s all.” The man looked at Phil and could sense his weakness. The kid wasn’t even worth his time. He stared deep into his eyes and said not a word. He dusted himself off, and picked up the briefcase.

“You good bro?”

Phil nodded silently at Ray and went to the opposite side of the bus stop. Shayla made a show of fussing over the man and the bus slowly pulled up, late but intact. The man let Shayla know that he was fine and called out to Phil before getting onto the bus.

“Hey kid.”

Phil stopped in his tracks and looked at him.

“Stop living life with so much fear. If I was you, I’d have broken my fucking neck. Life only rewards the strong.”

Phil paused momentarily before he felt his phone vibrate with her response as he followed Ray onto the bus.

The doors closed, and the bus continued its journey through the city.

