99% People don’t Know you Exist: until you do this!

5 min readFeb 22, 2023


Most, live life through the motion

While I was walking down the street with my friend on that Wednesday afternoon, with me holding the white cane on my left hand, and holding his elbow on the other,

a car passed by next to us.


Nothing happened, of course.

That car was fine.

No. It didn’t drive on the wrong road like you thought this story would end up to be.

But, 3minutes later my friend randomly asked me this

“did you see the color of that car?”

Still processing all the work I need to get done the following day to make money as a young man in Jakarta, I didn’t really pay attention to his question honestly.

I mean, it seemed that both of us were tired, and not paying attention to anything in particular.

Our mind; my mind, and his mind were else where, focusing on going back home, take a shower after sweaty day, hit the sack, and begin all the same routines the next day.

Whatever question it was, all I knew it was of a little importance.

  • First because he was 100% aware that I’m blind, so there was stupid to ask that kind of question.
  • Second, who cared the color of that car? Like knowing that would change the course of humanity.

Now, the more I recollect that weird and insignificant experience,

the more it got me thinking:

human’s life are not so different from that car.



Million of them exist, nameless, pass by without no one cares about their brand, color, license plate, or when they were created; of what company — nobody cares.

99% won’t even be remembered!

The Key to not become the 99%

I guess the scariest thought of possibility for human kinds is to be left alone, forgotten, and dying.

Somehow, I fully believe that no human’s life really want to live alone.

We might say that we are introvert, lonewolf, or we love spending our “me time) like crazy,

but in truth we always crave company.

Now, where these all lead me?

“start providing value,

And you will not be forgotten”

I know the term


is such a buzz word nowadays.

We all want to provide value. Gaine value. Seek value, create value. Observed value.

Doing things of value.

What the hell does that even mean anyway.

But essentially what you wanna do to not become the 99% of people that are just going through their motion is exactly that:

to provide value to others.

“For me

Value comes from helping other people.

Simple as that.”

People are going through different stages, phases in life. Some are going through tough problem that they have never encountered before; some celebrate their success by overcoming barriers and challenges in their life — they all are different and unique at the same time.

But somehow, that authentic and individual story can be felt the same throughout different time, space and territory.

That is also value!

It’s all about the meaning that you get out from it.

  • If you are going through tough challenges — share it with others, because you will never know who might benefit out of your experience.
  • If you are going through success in life — share it to others. You never know who might get motivated from your story and start chasing their dreams
  • If you have unique experience, knowledge — why not share it so that others also find value in your weirdness and quorkyness?

All I’m saying is:

There is a way to trive in life and not become the 99% of people.

You just have to put out yourself out there.

Put yourself and start sharing a piece of you that others potentially find it of value.

Sure, there is a risk of your piece of you that end up not creating value, just bouncing in the echo chamber of the internet. But that is the risk worth taking.

Bottom line:

Your individual story is the key to not become meaningless in life.

Don’t be meaningless!

I chose Writing — choose Yours!

Now the questionn for you to answer is “how do I create those value?”

Thank you for asking.

Some people obviously have different way of creating value. Some will create a video teaching about finance, some will do take a picture of beautiful scenery all over the world, and some would do anything stupid, weird, and whatever it is to show their passion, characteristic, and unique qualities in life.

Different people seek and distribute different value.

The truth is, you just got to find yours!

It may take time. Long time even.

You just need to keep on throwing and see what stick, and what doesn’t. That is the only you’re gonna find out.

For me that thing has always been writing.

I tried youtube-ing, and podcast-ing before, and will probably try it again in the future (who knows).

but for now I’m solely focused on writing.

This is my way to create value to my life, and other’s people life as well.

By creating value through word, sentence, each paragraf, each passage give me excitement that you normally get even though nobody is paying you no dime on the other side of the table.

It’s all about me and my creation.

  • Sharing knowledge and experience about my shortcomings
  • Sharing personal mistake and how I f*ck in life
  • Sharing my views that is been engrained with my individual values and principles

Most importantly, I found writing is powerful to unleash the true potential of me.

A potential power that I hope will be able to create something big in this world, which in turn also have an impact on other’s life as well.

I found the state of


When I’m writing. And if I can tap in thi

flow energy

to create value that can help people, enhance someone else’s life, and make them feel good — why wouldn’t I use this super power?

Of course, nobody get this right away. Even for me, I’m still exploring and learning everything about writing, medium, content creating, or any cool stuff that are coming in the future.

This year this is my mission — but in another 3 years, 4 years no one would really know for sure.

But one thing I can assure you:

This is my way to not become the 99%.

To not become insignificant in life. To not just become another car passing by, a bench that college kids stepped on,

or pavement that everybody walk through every Sunday for an easy jogging session — but actually to be something more.

Now you should ask yourself:

How do you create value?

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I share my journey as a writer, self-improvement. And sometimes my story as a blind man.