Thank you 300 Followers

3 min readJan 13, 2023


Starting 2023 with a Banger!

In the last few weeks, my email has been going crazy with medium notifications saying that my stories being liked, clapped, and subsequently, my followers also got increased.


After taking short hiatus in the end of 2022, now my Medium account just surpassed 300 followers! So, I would like to thank you for this yet another milestones achieved. Even though 2023 has just began, I can proudly declare that I have kicked off the year with a banger!

Apparently, one of my story talking about

Getting 1000 views

For the first time on Medium can be credited for this uptick of followers recently. Anyway, in this post, I want to share few thoughts, which hopefully can also motivate other fellow writers and human being in this world when it comes to pursuing their goals. Or maybe another 300 followers of yours.

Why Obsess with 300?

Now, you might be thinking

“jeez Wikan,

It’s only 300 followers! Relax!”

I know. I’m very relaxed. .

Calm as water.

Instead, I want to celebrate this because I always believe in each and every milestones in life. It’s worth celebrating and being grateful of everything.

Your first job; your first salary; your first kiss; your first girlfriend; second girlfriend; third; well you get the point.

Maybe you started Youtube, Medium, or any social media with none follower. Next thing you know; you reach 300 follower. another milestones. and another.

It’s worth celebrating for.

Remember, most of us start from 0. I started medium with no follower. No one to share my story. I’m just a guy in Bali, living with blindness, and thought that I could share my story and bring value to others. Some find it valuable, and let’s face it; some find it A-okay.

“nothing special here, let’s move on”

But that’s fine. When you open yourself to the world. Start sharing your story, your vulnerability, being true to yourself, you will get judged no matter what. Keep hanging in there my friend. Be true to yourself.Write your experience and your story. I believe somebody out there will find your experience useful. and maybe they then will follow you.

Enjoy the Ride

Almost 98% of my followers are people that I have never met in real life. Most are from outside Bali and Indonesia. Most, I believe, are not blind like myself. But from 300 of those people (maybe some of them are bots who knows), they decided that I’m worth of their fraction of attention in their life.

If you put that in perspective. That is massive! Imagine to gather 300 people in a building, mobilizing the crowd, handing them a piece of paper to read, that is hard. A logistical nightmare I believe.

Therefore, having the platform with more than 300 people, span across countries and different continents is lifechanging. It’s a great feeling to be able to tell your story without border and despite ones disabilities.

Huh. I think that’s what they called Internet.

Now I know this is kinda overexaggerating everything on the internet. After all: isn’t already people out there with 100.00 followers? Isn’t people out there with 1 millions subscriber on Tiktok? Yes. Of course. Good for them. Bet they can already establish a political party shall they wish

What I’m trying to say is that, we need to also look at the big picture in life. Not looking everything only through the microscopic lens. Seeing every flaws, minor, and imperfection in our journey. Let’s take the helicopter view. Let’s see it with our 10.000 foot view. Let’s become the pilot of our life that celebrate every improvements.

If you think you are better than what you were yesterday; that’s more than enough my friend. I want to make this


on medium as a chapter in my life. In my writing journey. And in my experience. To be grateful for what I have and what I can achieve in life.

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To help me keep writing, and especially since I’m unable to monotize my stories on Medium.

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A Blind Man from Bali | I'm writing about self-improvement, mindset, and life through the lens of a blind person.