Are you shouting your message in an empty room?

Ian M Calvert
3 min readMar 14, 2016

One of the things that is becoming more and more apparent is that we seem to becoming less focused on our wider audience of communication — is this because we are being “Rich” to our audience?

When you look at many of the Top “Educators”, “Experts” and “Influencers” is the use of the two-way street over load speaker syndrome.

What I mean by this, is that if you look at their timelines on Twitter, what you will note it that there is a constant stream of post, post and more posts but do they actually engage? When did you last see a Tweet from them as a reply to someone or them re-tweeting some else’s tweets? The answer is very rare (if at all)!

The same could in a way be said with Facebook and LinkedIn too, where they will post something and not engage with the conversation that the post has created, or actually share or comment on another person’s post.

We are also seeing this with companies actually too — they post but their engagement outside their posts is very rare too.

However, all is not lost…..

If you drop down several (well many actually) levels and take a look at the SoHo, SMB and SME business arenas, you will see a different story!

Why is this the case?

The simple answer is the “Engagement” factor and one that is the closest match to real life and is understood by them!



Ian M Calvert

Bringing the future of Digital, Social and Technology in to both your mindset and your companies by opening your vision as to what the future offers....