Are you truly bringing your company into The Social Family?

Ian M Calvert
3 min readNov 6, 2015

One of the things that so many are over looking is the ability to embrace the the art of Social and how we can bring the same balance/interaction to both our on and off line persona’s….

If we walk down the street and someone acknowledges us or says hello — we respond — the same is the case when someone let’s us go first or holds a door open for us too!

So, if we are behaving like this in real life (or off-line) — why is it that we can’t behave the same on-line too?

Is it because we feel that this is just too time consuming?

Maybe, we aren’t seeing what we can do to help ourselves converse, publish and engage with our connections, fans, followers and friends — does this sound familiar?

The ability to become more Social Engaging is being made so much easier today with the ability to use various Social Networking Tools/Platforms which allow not just you but your company too, to engage and collaborate….

Isn’t that all about being part of a Community?

I use various different platforms and all have different uses and results, but for you to get started, one facility that I have used for many years and is very easy to start with, is Hootsuite.

Personally, another reason for using Hootsuite is that it is so much more than just a Social Platform — it’s a whole community sitting there to work, engage and collaborate with you in so many ways….



Ian M Calvert

Bringing the future of Digital, Social and Technology in to both your mindset and your companies by opening your vision as to what the future offers....