Chasing popular trends to gain extra publicity….

Small Business Saturday – it’s not one day a year for you to gain publicity!

Ian M Calvert
1 min readDec 5, 2015

Amazing how some people jump on the popularity train….

They spend all year using major chain’s and all the big names as well as spending their time earning a living/reputation in the corporate world yet decide to jump on Small Business Saturday to show they are part of it!

Well you’re not!

Small businesses are around 365 days a year NOT one day a year!

Support these businesses every day not just one day a year to try and show you’re a small/local business champion because your NOT!

True small/local business champions know the businesses, owners and staff plus some of their customers too!

So, all you “experts/mentors” who spend all your time in the corporate world and swoop down to spend one day trying to be a champion of local Small Businesses – just don’t because you aren’t doing yourself any favours with them!

As by trying to seek the publicity of trying to show you care fools no one – it just makes you the fool!!



Ian M Calvert

Bringing the future of Digital, Social and Technology in to both your mindset and your companies by opening your vision as to what the future offers....