Developing your community or just doing as you’re being sold too?

One of the things I keep hearing time and time again when I speak to perspective clients is not only how they have been advised in the past (but also how they are being advised now with methods of the past too) and the downside I feel for them…..

Ian M Calvert
5 min readNov 9, 2015

When you speak to them, they are all being sold the views of their advisors as to how they should do things yet these advisors have no relationship to this company’s industry or the audience generation that the company deals with.

One of the biggest issues is when is comes to using LinkedIn and other platforms from the world of the Social Business on how they should target people to sell to — why?

Why are you trying to sell to people?

Do you like being sold to?

People are bringing their home life more and more into their work life every single day — so why aren’t you standing up to these advisors and saying..

“I don’t like being on the receiving end of these methods at home — so why should I be doing what I don’t like at home, to these people at their work?”

These advisors are selling a method ‘where the only winner is the advisor’ when you pay their invoice for the method they’ve just sold you….



Ian M Calvert

Bringing the future of Digital, Social and Technology in to both your mindset and your companies by opening your vision as to what the future offers....