EE are a great innovating and technical company but……

Ian M Calvert
3 min readNov 7, 2015

they completely fail at Customer Service and Social……

Firstly, I have to say that I am EE customer and I’d like to think a Brand Advocate and Supporter of them as I think they really have so much to offer and deliver with a fabulous raft of products and services, but……

And secondly, they totally suck (to use a technical term as several people keep saying to myself) at Customer Service and how to understand their opportunity to be Social….

Lately, I’ve been discussing how they have been bringing some great products and innovating ideas to market to my audience — both Face 2 Face and at events — yet whilst they are driving this innovation forward, they seem to be lacking the ability to merge their silos and create that great user experience (UE) that we are all wanting.

With the UE and UI (User Interface) there, grasping it and marrying it seems to be so passing them by!

Take for example, the opportunities that via Instagram that EE can offer — even if only to share photos of their products via Repost — via what their customers have shared on how they use their products or experiences.

When I raised this with EE recently, they said they had tried this as an experiment and have left their account open but deleted all the photos they had shared until they knew what to do with the channel! What?



Ian M Calvert

Bringing the future of Digital, Social and Technology in to both your mindset and your companies by opening your vision as to what the future offers....