Recruiters — do you really exist for your candidates or just your wallet?

Ian M Calvert
Don't Panic, Just Hire
2 min readFeb 27, 2016


Working with several companies and people, one common theme is becoming more and more apparent — the lack of credible Recruitment Companies!

Many people are applying via LinkedIn Jobs (since the arrival of the LinkedIn Jobs Mobile App’s — job searches and applications have risen considerably) during their breaks or on their commute to and from work.

With this App, after a few clicks, the jobs appear and people are scanning for what appeals and then if it has “Apply via Profile”, another click and the application has been submitted.

Yet, the common compliant/feedback that comes through to myself, is the response rate is so very low! The response can be one of two ways, either, the Job Poster viewing your profile or replying back to your application.

If you have the tools and your prospective clients are using them, why aren’t you using them?

Whether a person looking for work or company looking to recruit people, both parties have less than positive comments about Recruitment Companies. So, why are they putting themselves in such a negative position?

With the AI that LinkedIn have been behind the scenes, if you are posting the positions you have available on LinkedIn, use the “Apply via Profile” feature as the analytics this creates will not just you with this position but future ones too.



Ian M Calvert
Don't Panic, Just Hire

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