Who is your real Influencer?

Recently I’ve been discussing this with my partner as we both have different careers and as a result, it allows us to have good hearty debates on our observations across all sectors of the business community.

Ian M Calvert
4 min readNov 12, 2015


One thing that most of the conversations come back to, is about engagement and interaction.

She makes a valid point as to those you follow and speak to — over the number that are following you or you are following.

It is quite obvious that when you look at the so-called Experts or Influencers, are they really these, given the titles they have?

I’m not going to name names, but if you look at these people that regularly appear on these lists and see how many people they have following them — then if you take a look at what they post (and Twitter is a great example of this), the maths is very interesting and gives some interesting insights..…..

When these people break the 50,000 mark, the interaction percentage starts to drop and I really mean drop!!

Have you ever looked or considered this?

Whether they have five or six figure followers, the majority of what they post only gain single or double digit Re-Tweets or Likes (the new term adopted by Twitter to replace Favourites) to what they have done!



Ian M Calvert

Bringing the future of Digital, Social and Technology in to both your mindset and your companies by opening your vision as to what the future offers....