ONE YEAR-ONE MILLION. A business project, the mission of which is to make $1 Million in just 1 Year.

Aron Marta
3 min readMar 7, 2017


***Die has been cast***

A Plushy Planet’s challenging project initiated by a small but strong team that has the mission to make $1 Million in just 1 Year.

Almost 95% of all the registered companies in the world never hit 1million of US dollars in annual revenue. It’s a reality that doesn’t instil pretty much courage for new beginners entrepreneurs, and Plushy Planet intends to fix this. Our major mission is to make 1 million of US dollars net profit in just one year, and show to the young ones that business might be not so scary and complicated as it seems to be and that with enough knowledge, belief and hard work anyone could do it.

For us (we are young beginners as well :), it is a challenge that plays the role of an accelerator, a good motivation that is making us more productive, more efficient. It is something that should change us forever, making stronger, more resourceful, full of energy and willing to achieve higher, even more important goals.

The project will run for exactly one year, between 30th of April of 2017 and 30th of April of 2018. In all this period of time, we’ll gonna update all of our subscribers at least once a month on our step by step most important activities (depending on time resources we’ll have ). At the end of the project ( we believe it will be successful ) we’re planning to write a detailed book on how we did it — for anyone interested in how to live a better life. At Plushy Planet, we assume that at the base of every start up, commonly all the time stays one main reason: the pursuit of a better life. It’s the pursuit of welfare, the pursuit of creating a better world, healthier, happier, a more interesting world to live in, after all.

One Year — One Million Project is the first ever project of this kind as we couldn’t find anything similar done till now, with just one small exception (a test project) that was planned to last just for a few days, and took place a few years ago in Eastern Europe. We consider that it is a good opportunity for young people, by taking an active part in the project, to get some experience and practical knowledge from the nowadays realness of business matters. In order to take part in the project, anyone can by simply registering on our website and participate in the Forum activity, reading, voting, commenting, sharing, writing any thoughts/ideas that could raise the chances of the project to achieve its goal in as less time possible. There is even possible to send us any kind of own written articles on interesting business topics, that would contain relevant, useful knowledge. The best of them we might publish on our blog page, mentioning if necessary the name of the author ( at the choice of the author ).

At the end of the project, for the most active participants and for the best submitted ideas, Plushy Planet will offer a few small rewards ( 25 Cotton Drawstring Backpacks with the Plushy Planet logo on them, 25 Cotton Tote Bags with the Plushy Planet logo on them, 25 e-Books on business, from the one we’ll gonna release during the project (see The General Plan of the Project for more details), 25 of the Plush Goldfish toys with Swarovski Crystals, and over 1.000 Discount Vouchers ).

We are so grateful to everyone who supported us till now and are happy to use this wonderful occasion to thank everyone, inclusive to new supporters who would be willing to take an active part in the project in the near future.

A huge THANK YOU in advance to everyone, we love you!

Feel free to join us by simply registering .

Everybody is Welcome!

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Aron Marta

Have the mission to make $1 Million in 1 Year. Project coordinator at Plushy Planet ONE YEAR-ONE MILLION project. Join to Enjoy!