Ibrahim Ajala
2 min readSep 5, 2017

Power of Literacy in Promoting Political Conscious Populace


Violence in election (bbc.com)

This story is the second of a four-part series of articles that seeks to create greater awareness on the benefits of literacy, in celebration of the 51st anniversary of the International Literacy Day.

Considering the period in which UNESCO was formed (1945 at the end of WW II) and the major drive of the organization towards literacy, it can be safely assumed that the organization’s aim to to empower citizens of the world to be active and engaged political conscious citizen. This the organization believes can increase “political participation and thus contribute to the quality of public policies and to democracy”. Specifically, literacy contributes to political developments through

  1. Increased political participation: Being being functional literate individuals are able to participate in political discussion and activities such as voting with an improved understanding of issues and a more balanced expectation that politics is beyond power grabbing, but more about improving public good.
  2. Democratic institutions: As the world has now realize, democracy and the institutions it promotes are the cornerstone of modern civilization. It is therefore not surprising that the nations with the most literate population have high robust and functional democracy.

On this basis, any nation that wants to advance and improve her political system, should promote literacy.

International Literacy Day, 2017.

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Ibrahim Ajala

Student of life. Disciple of freedom. Harbinger of love