Ichimoku Inu

The One Stop Crypto Shop

Ichimoku Inu Team
9 min readDec 9, 2022

The legend of Ichimoku Inu begins today. Dec 9th 2022 has arrived, and launch day is here for everyone who anxiously waits. The $MOKU token will be deployed and made live on both the Ethereum and Binance blockchains. There will be many new investors entering the community to learn more about the project, and the utilities offered inside the Ichimoku Inu ecosystem. This article is an introductory guide to all utilities available on launch day for $MOKU holders.

Ichimoku is roughly translated as “One Look,” and is the inspiration for the project. The skilled development team of Ichimoku Inu will provide sustainable decentralized finance and Web3 services, all in one safe place. As $MOKU is a cross-chain token, Ichimoku Inu will receive exposure to investors of different blockchains. Holders of $MOKU will hold the key to accessing all of the project’s features. Come immerse yourself in a brand new cryptocurrency adventure with $MOKU!

Ichimoku Bridge

There is often a disconnect between investors of different chains. The team of Ichimoku Inu has created a decentralized bridge to minimize the distance felt between holders of $MOKU. In order to fully experience the whole Ichimoku Inu ecosystem, members can move their tokens from one blockchain to the other. When tokens are sent to the bridge they are locked on the sending blockchain, and then the equivalent amount of tokens are unlocked on the receiving chain and sent to the appropriate wallet. The whole process happens on-chain with full transparency.

To access this feature members must pay a small fee. The fee is to cover maintenance costs and gas fees. There is also a $1 fee on every bridge that is pooled into a lottery wallet. When $100 is built up it will be sent to a randomly selected bridge user. The total fee to bridge at launch will be $11 on both chains (subject to change as a result of increasing gas fees).

Why Bridge?

Utility Access — On every blockchain that Ichimoku Inu bridges to, there will be benefits specific to that chain. Features such as governance on the DAO and NFTs will take place with $MOKU on Ethereum. To win prizes in the Play2Earn games players will need to hold $MOKU on Binance.
Lottery — The Ichimoku Inu team has created an additional incentive to use the bridge through the innovative lottery program. $1 from every bridge will be sent to a lottery fund. When the threshold of $100 is met, a prize will be randomly sent to one of those 100 users who bridged.
Avoid CEX — This year has been a reminder of the importance of keeping your assets off CEX and in a decentralized wallet. With the bridge it is possible to move assets between blockchains without the need for a KYC CEX.
Arbitrage — When $MOKU launches, tokens on both blockchains will have similar market capitalizations. After $MOKU is live the differeng volume on each chain can lead to price differences. If there is a substantial price difference between the Ethereum and Binance tokens, traders who bought tokens on the lower priced chain can transfer tokens to the other and sell for the higher price. This increases volume and stabilizes the price. Users looking to take advantage of arbitrage need to remember the bridge fee and also the token fee on buys/sells.
(To learn more about arbitrage, Binance has provided information: https://academy.binance.com/en/glossary/arbitrage)

How to Bridge?

  1. Go to https://ichimokubridge.com/
  2. Connect your wallet
  3. Choose destination network (If from ETH select BNB and vice versa)
  4. Select $MOKU token
  5. Select Amount to transfer
  6. Choose destination wallet
  7. Click on “start transfer”
  8. Agree to all prompts and pay bridging fee
  9. Check your destination wallet when the process is complete to see your bridged tokens!

***Ensure you have enough ETH/BNB in the wallet you intend to bridge from.


Community will always be the team’s main priority. It is so important for the development team to be able to receive input from their holders. Through our innovative DAO, holders of at least 1% of the Ethereum $MOKU supply can make proposals for other holders to vote on. After a proposal is made, a snapshot of all current holders is taken and then all holders can vote on the proposal. Their vote is weighted by their token holdings. This is the best way to receive community input as all votes are directly tied to people invested in the project. The development team will follow through with all proposals within reason and appropriateness! We hope all holders take advantage of this amazing opportunity to have their opinions heard and carried out. Snapshot is a decentralized voting service trusted by big names like Uniswap and Pancakeswap to collect the votes of their communities.

Who Can Vote? — Holders of $MOKU on Ethereum Chain are all eligible to vote. When the Mad Moku NFTs begin minting they will also hold a weight equivalent to their minting price.
Who Can Make Proposals? — Any holder of $MOKU on Ethereum Chain with at least 1% of the supply can make a proposal for other $MOKU holders to vote on.

How To Vote in the DAO?

  1. Go to https://snapshot.org/#/ichimokuinu.eth.
  2. Connect your wallet holding Ethereum $MOKU to snapshot.org.
  3. Join the IchimokuDAO.
  4. Click on an active proposal you would like to vote on.
  5. Choose the answer you want to vote for.
  6. Click Vote.
  7. Accept the prompts sent from Snapshot.org to your wallet.

How to Make A Proposal

  1. Go to https://snapshot.org/#/ichimokuinu.eth.
  2. Connect your wallet holding 1% of the supply of Ethereum $MOKU to snapshot.org.
  3. Join the IchimokuDAO.
  4. Click new proposal.
  5. Type in title and description.
  6. Select type of vote.
  7. Select choices to vote on.
  8. Select time period to vote in.
  9. Click publish.
  10. Accept the prompts sent from Snapshot.org to your wallet.

Moku Games

The whole Ichimoku Inu team have a fond place in their hearts for gaming. There is so much opportunity for projects to blend crypto and gaming together and create an engaging experience for their communities. Unfortunately many projects become unsustainable as they try to maintain their ecosystems. Moku Games have all been created in a way to ensure there will always be prize money for active players. There are holding requirements of BNB $MOKU to access the games. 1% of all token volume is sent directly to a prize wallet that is specifically for funding all gaming prizes. When Mad Moku NFTs go on sale a portion of their revenue will also go into the prize wallet. The team will announce tournaments with prizes based on the size of the prize pool available, and will ensure that the prize wallet does not rapidly deplete. Holders of Ethereum $MOKU can also propose reasonable tournaments in the IchimokuDAO. All of these games are made possible through the in-house indie gaming studio Hold2Play labs.

Moku’s Revenge

This is the most recent game created by Hold2Play labs; a third-person shooter that uses Web3 technology to record users’ scores and register them to a wallet address. Find yourself immersed in an exciting world of warfare like never before. Fly a jetpack, discover unique weapons, and accumulate points for the leaderboard to win crypto prizes. Players can view the leaderboard live on the Ichimoku Inu website and through a bot that is live in the Telegram chat. The team will announce ongoing tournaments and prizes will be sent to the winners at their conclusions. Scores on the leaderboard will be reset after each tournament. Available on PC to begin — there will be NFT integration and 3D models made of the NFTs playable in-game in the future.

How to Play

  1. Buy/hold at least $50 of $MOKU on BNB chain.
  2. Download the game (Link provided in Telegram)
  3. Open the Moku’s Revenge application.
  4. Connect your wallet.
  5. Create profile to link to your wallet address.
  6. Log in.
  7. Select server.
  8. Join active games.
  9. Shoot opponents to eliminate them and receive points on the leaderboard.

Controls (Keyboard)
Walk — W,A,S,D
Shoot — Right Click
Aim — Mouse
Use Sights — Left Click
Use Jetpack — Middle Click
Jump — Spacebar
Action — F

Moku’s Travels

Original Moku’s Travels Trailer from v1 of Ichimoku Inu

Ichimoku Inu first released into their ecosystem a three-dimensional survival and puzzle game for PC. Moku is our project’s brave mascot. He often finds himself in precarious situations and places. It is up to you a $MOKU holder on BNB chain to guide him to safety. There are various prizes that can be won in each episode of the game. Once all prizes are unlocked the next episode will be released. There are QR codes that can be scanned with the in-game phone, enemies to be killed, and a final seed phrase to solve to unlock all the BNB prizes. It allows holders to be immersed in an interactive story that they can help the team choose the direction of.

How to Play

  1. Buy/Hold at least $50 of $MOKU on BNB chain
  2. Download the game (Link provided in telegram)
  3. Open the Moku’s Travels application
  4. Connect your wallet
  5. Create profile to link to your wallet address
  6. Log in
  7. Walk around the stage and find QR codes to scan with your in-game phone for prizes
  8. Eliminate enemies to reveal other QR codes for prizes
  9. Discover all the clues made available in the level to reveal the words to a seed phrase for the final prize.
  10. Prizes are distributed automatically to the first person to discover them
  11. To solve the final seed phrase you must enter it into a decentralized wallet like metamask (you should then send the prize to your personal wallet as others can access the prize wallet if they solve it as well)
  12. New episode starts after the old one has all the prizes distributed

Walk — W,A,S,D
Action — F
Shoot — Right Click
Aim — Mouse
Use Sights — Left Click
Phone — 1

Moku Mania

The final game that the Ichimoku Inu team has to offer is designed to be accessible by anyone. Moku Mania requires nothing but the Telegram app to play. Holders of $MOKU on BNB chain can participate in fast-paced and nerve-wracking dice battles with their fellow holders. At the direction of a game master, players will two at a time input the dice emoji into the chat. The person who rolled the highest die wins the battle and moves on to the next round. The winner is decided when there is only one player left. The game master may introduce revival rounds at his discretion, allowing defeated players another chance to win. This can include engagements on social media or other tasks that benefit the project.

How to Play

  1. Buy/Hold $50 of $MOKU on BNB chain.
  2. Watch the Ichimoku Inu telegram group for upcoming games (One game each on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).
  3. When the game master requests players, reply to his messages.
  4. Game host will make a list of active players.
  5. Wait for your name to be announced to roll the die.
  6. Enter the dice emoji into the chat.
  7. If you rolled higher than your opponent you continue on. If not you are eliminated.
  8. Eliminated players have a chance to come back in the game through a revival round at the discretion of the game master.
  9. Players continue inputting the dice emoji when prompted by the game master until there is one remaining; who then wins the prize.

What is Next?

Stagnation is detrimental to the progress of any project. The Ichimoku Inu team has already begun development on new utilities to provide to their community and are always working to ensure there is constant progress in the ecosystem. With the team’s vast experience in Defi, Smart Contracts, and Web3, the possibilities for future development have few limits. Through the IchimokuDAO, it is possible for holders to influence the direction of potential utilities and developments as well. Upcoming utilities include:
-Mad Moku NFTs
-Learning modules for new traders
-Bridge to other blockchains





Ichimoku Inu Team

The cross-chain DEFI experience for traders of all ability. Ichimoku means "one look" in Japanese.