Heart Attack

Roger Hilleboe
1 min readApr 25, 2017


This painting is about Heart Ache, Heart Break, Heart Sick but mostly a ‘Heart Attack’. But not the myocardial infraction type. No, ‘Heart Attack’ as literal: situations where one person violently rips another persons heart from their chest.

The woman just ripped the man’s heart out and he looks relieved. The instant she ripped it was the instant he felt lighter, as if floating. The woman floats with him. She examines his heart and considers what she’s done.

Flames shoot from the bottom upwards with the couple. The passion between them still burns.

This painting required me to make hundreds of thin lines so I used gouache, a solid media choice to make illustrations.

Heart Attack; gouache on paper by Roger Hilleboe, aka #Iconoclast00



Roger Hilleboe

Roger Hilleboe, aka #Iconoclast00, rejects the grand narratives or the universal theories of Western Culture.