Zyrtec Commercial Is Racist AF

Ida Santana, MD
2 min readSep 15, 2018


This Zyrtec commercial was playing at our favorite burger joint tonight.

The gist of the ad is the Black Woman in a car pool of non-Black Women sneezes and spews whipped cream from her milkshake all over White Lady’s nice clean car. Black Woman is about to be kicked out the car when Asian Woman hands Black Woman Zyrtec. Uptight White Lady in driver seat the next day taunts/shames Black Woman that Black Woman’s not allowed to have a milkshake again. Everyone fake laughs at Black Woman’s unfitness for society.

Dog whistle/code is Black Women are messy filthy animals that can’t be trusted, so don’t let them in your precious White Lady car.

Black Woman must kowtow and be subservient to uncomfortable White Ladies everywhere. Be glad White Lady doesn’t call the cops on Black Woman because they’ll beat your Black ass.

Black Woman must know her place which is at the bottom of the racist White supremacist totem pole.

Red headed Queen Bee White Lady wants a token Black friend so *people (*read fellow white people) don’t think White Lady’s racist, but this token Black friend is just an act and White Lady publicly bullies and humiliates Black Woman faux friend to enforce White Lady’s station as superior based on her whiteness.

On a recent trans Atlantic flight I read/devoured Phoebe Robinson’s brilliant memoir NY Times bestseller You Can’t Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain. Phoebe’s part of 2 Dope Queens, and she devotes a chapter to How Do You Know If You’re The Black Friend? The Black Friend is a modern day Uncle Tom- “Yas, Masser” type who’s trying not to make any white people ever the least bit uncomfortable with the insidious and horrifying ways Black Folx are dehumanized every damn day of their lives.

The essence of what this Black Woman is is The Black Friend.

I hope there’s a shit storm, blowback, chorus of “Hell to the No’s!” against Zyrtec for whomever green lighted this racist mess of an ad. They obviously don’t have a single Black person or even an Asian person on their Ad development team. Do better Zyrtec. Pull this racist ad. And Vote with your wallet. #BoycottZyrtec



Ida Santana, MD

Muck Raker, Feminist, Anti-Racist, Addiction Medicine Physician. Hailing from Nashville