Kathy Burke
3 min readNov 10, 2016


I assume you weren’t politically aware during the 1990s. But many of us in my generation saw first hand how Hillary Clinton was treated by the Washington Post and rednecks with gun racks and bumper stickers. When she tried to get universal healthcare for us, long before the cost of healthcare had exploded, she was targeted by big money healthcare interests, and ridiculed by the Washington Post day after day for her hairdo or her chin or whatever. But that was just the beginning.

Then came the Whitewater hearings with special prosecutors Ken Starr and his assistant James Comey. I’m sure you are aware of how that turned out. Now the world knows all the details of Bill Clinton’s sleazy affair with a White House intern.

I understand why Hillary is secretive. She has been publicly humiliated and subjected to more ugliness than anyone I’ve ever known. And yes, it does bother me when she smiles and says she didn’t share any classified information on her server. She didn’t do it knowingly, of course, but there were those notations in some of the emails that designated them as classified at the time. I don’t think anyone who knows all the facts really believes that she put our national security at risk by using a private email server. Fifteen FBI investigators agreed. Comey didn’t like the finding, so he tried to smear her as much as possible. Maybe he was still bitter about not getting an indictment of Hillary in the Whitewater hearings.

You are in the business of cyber-security, so you can understand that she might have thought that a private email server might be MORE secure than a Gmail account. The State Department and other supposedly secure government servers were also hacked. And you also know that all this crazy talk about hammering phones doesn’t destroy the emails on the server. So much of this email hysteria is based on technological ignorance. Even Comey had to grudgingly admit what dozens of other knowledgeable attorneys and prosecutors had already said. There was no crime committed. Using a mistake in judgement as a basis for demonizing Hillary is unsupportable. As far as the Wikileaks are concerned, I think if you hacked any corporate server, you would find evidence of the same type of dirty tricks and backstabbing and office politics.

Politics is a dirty game, and no one is immune to the ugliness, But if a politician like Sanders chooses to play the game in order to try to help us to have a better world, I can forgive some imperfection. I think Bernie had good intentions, but he let his political team play a lot of dirty tricks, too. So no one is completely innocent here. If Bernie had won the primary, I would have supported him. But he didn’t. So trying to blame Hillary for his defeat is like trying to blame liberals for Trump. It’s absurd. Bernie was just ahead of his time, like Hillary was with universal healthcare. And he got carried away with his star status and allowed his campaign to spread lies from the Alt-Right to smear his opponent. Of course the DNC was angry. Did you read that stuff from the Young Turks and Bernie trolls on Facebook? Then Bernie came around and supported Hillary and was crucified by his own followers for it.

Trump’ s main support also comes from the Alt-Right. That’s no secret. He added the RNC and Catholic anti-abortion movement to get the winning combination. The numbers were there.

It wasn’t going to be pretty either way. I wanted Hillary to win, but I also feared what the response would be from the lizards and trolls and scum that supported Trump. Maybe we’re better off with a known enemy. The RNC won again. Politics as usual.

