5 Foods to Avoid to Get a Flat Stomach

Idietitian India
3 min readDec 12, 2016


‘Concave’ stomach is all the heat of the season and we are all dying to attain it. Flat stomach is not the height anymore rather the standards have shifted to a rather ‘inward’ stomach. But sadly the bellies we are hiding under those ‘airy’ clothes are of a ‘convex’ shape! You might have spent hours doing crunches to get those flat abs but all those efforts went in vain. You have seen the times your spirit dropped and you cursed the exercise regime. But the issue might be residing with your diet. You are not focusing on your diet and could do with online weight loss packages. For starters, you will have to do away with some foods that are an enemy of flat stomach!.


Carbonated drinks are so full of calories that you can’t have them without feeling guilty. But that’s not the only problem here. A fluffy belly is not all about fat, you might just be bloated! These drinks do a good job in increasing that bloated feeling. Either ways, its a no no in case you are craving those flat abs! In case you are feeling bloated, have a cup of peppermint tea. You’ll be more relaxed.


Many of you will defend this one saying that little to moderate quantity is good for the heart. But they have a lot of calories and little benefit. Moreover, it is said that one drink leads to another and at the end you end up ingesting thousands of calories. Another trouble is that binge drinkers tend to make unhealthy food choices, adding more calories. So you’ll be more prone to carrying some stuffing around your belly!

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Refined Carbohydrates

Is your daily diet a blend of cereals, rice and pasta? You gotta go light on carbs, buddy! That is a priority especially if your carbs comprise mainly of white flour. That digests way too quickly and then a lot happens. He He, we’ll spare you the trauma of a digestive tract class. The end result is your body will store more fats this way and the easiest target is your belly! The healthier alternative is switching to whole wheat flour or rather more of lean proteins!


One of the primary sources of calcium, dairy might not be staying on your diet chart now! You might be allergic to the lactose in dairy products, resulting in bloating! And there goes your dream of flaunting a perfectly flat stomach! If you feel that you have an allergy then visit your doctor immediately. He might tell you the substitutes for dairy products!

Processed Foods

Now most of those yummy tummy dishes you often give in to are processed foods. They are high in sodium and fat, whereas the fiber content is low. What do you expect then? Bloating! To avoid this uncomfortable and fluffy situation, opt for natural foods. Have more of fresh produce and try and control your urges to binge eat the processed versions!

You want to get that flawlessly flat tummy and you’ll have to sacrifice some favorites to reach that goal. After all, no pain no gain! These foods will have to be avoided a big time and that’s just a start. Join online special weight loss programs to extend your efforts in the right direction.

