Top 6 Anti-Anxiety Foods To Calm Your Mind

Idietitian India
4 min readMar 6, 2018


The bad news is a result of instant stress. That time, relief to your soul and mind needs essentially. But it’s the little bit difficult because your mind is revolving around the problems. Stress and anxiety is a common disorder which going to mind all the time. Ranging from small issues to large one, your mind is full of stress almost the time. If you are thinking over and over, then you must have to know, in future you have to face some mental disorder, or any risk factor includes breathing changes, imbalance level of blood sugar, heart races, imbalance hormone and more. That’s why as per suggestion, you have to find out all the solution to every problem. But here we are discussing some best food which helps in alteration of your mood and keep your stress and anxiety free or you can follow any of the healthy diets to reduce stress.

Here are top 6 Secret Foods For Instant Stress Relief


Carbohydrate hunger is a consistent response to a stress-related issue, it will help in alteration of mood. For reducing stress and anxiety you must have to add a bowl of oatmeal in your breakfast which will provide you slow digesting compound carbs and fibre, and Vitamin B6 which will help in raising the level of energy. Oatmeal is one of the best anti-stress foods you can do topping with nuts or nut butter for stabilizing fat and protein too.


Spinach is a good stress buster because it contains protein and fibre. You can add a bowl of raw spinach in your lunch as a salad, it will help in reducing your stress levels. You really must enjoy the flavour.

In dark green leaves of spinach has folate and kale which produces pleasure-inducing brain chemical compound, which helps in regulation of mood. And the calcium, magnesium and the potassium also present in spinach which will boost normal muscle and functioning of nerve which provides comfort to your body.

Also Read:- High Fiber Foods Must Have To Eat


The consumption of probiotic bacteria which is present in yogurt help in the reduction of stress and easily handle emotion and. This gut bacteria may affect brain function. It also promotes good digestion which is helpful in clearing gut-brain communication, which stands for happier gut bacteria, which directly calm your behaviour. Yogurt also consists protein which assists in stabilizing blood sugar and also boost regular muscle and nerve function.


Eggs are also one of the best food which help in reduction of stress hormones. Because it will help in stabilizing protein and fat. Eggs consist anti-inflammatory impact of the omega-3 fatty acids which help in controlling the effect of stress hormones. If you don’t love to eat eggs you can try fish or any plant-based sources which are rich in omega-3’s like Walnuts and flax.


Orange is a rich form of Vitamin C, which is one of the great food and works as an anti-anxiety diet. It is also rich in potassium and fibre. The sour flavour and the bright colour will boost your mood definitely. Add this healthy food in your diet to the healthy mind and body too.


Nuts include pistachios are an outstanding source of protein and healthy fats. It is one of the best snacks which will keep your hunger and angry free. Pistachios are rich in potassium in which raise the functioning of muscle and nerve. You will get busy in shelling these which also help in the reduction of stress and anxiety.

Healthy diet and food will definitely prevent you from stress and anxiety. Aforesaid foods are top food which will help in boosting your mood and keep you away from stress and anxiety.

