Popular Twitch Streamer Jeremy Elbertson Involved in Fatal Car Accident

Popular Twitch Streamer Jeremy Elbertson or “Jerma985” was involved in a fatal car accident, 5 dead.

Ignius Cray
Nov 8, 2022
Popular Twitch Streamer Jeremy Elbertson or “Jerma985” was involved in a fatal car accident, 5 dead.

Jeremy “Jerma985” Elbertson was involed in a fatal car accident today, as of writing. On November 7th 3 p.m. PT Jeremiah was involved in a fatal car accident when he crashed into a family of 5, all dead. Jermey was speeding down highway 24 miles over the speed limit when he ran a red light and t-boned a family wagon, instantly killing the entire family inside. Relatives and friends of the close family are in shock and have a loss for words over the mournful event. The local community has planned a memorial in their honor where the accident took place. Charges are pending however Mr. Elbertson is currently being held at Heracles Hospital in a coma with no signs of recovery.

