Gigantic: The Upcoming Disney Movie Which Has Been Postponed For 2 Years

Ihsan Rizky
3 min readJan 29, 2020

Since its original release date on November 21, 2018, Disney has to postpone Gigantic. Disney Animation Group having obstacles in the ending part of the story of this project. That’s why they delayed the movie. The movie moves the release date to Thanksgiving 2020. The groups hope the movie will bring more energy and have an active ending.

The project is, actually, already developed since 2013, by titled “Giants”. Yet, in 2015, the project was having a problem with the big screen. The President of the Walt Disney Animation Group, Ed Catmull, has issued a statement to The Hollywood Reporter saying the following:

“It’s impossible to know when we begin a project how the creative process will unfold, and sometimes, no matter how much we love an idea or how much heart goes into it, we find that it just isn’t working. With Gigantic, we’ve come to that point, and although it’s a difficult decision, we are ending active development for now. We are focusing our energies on another project that has been in the works, which we’ll be sharing more about soon, now set for Thanksgiving 2020.”

According to Disney Wiki, Gigantic’s story based on English Folk Tale, which is Jack and The Beanstalk. Jack and The Beanstalk popular since 1803 by Benjamin Tabart.



Ihsan Rizky

Media enthusiast, content creator, writer, and filmmaker. — I love to expose my secret as long as it can make you better. Check all my secret on articles below!