HOQU: The Ecosystem of Internet Advertising

5 min readDec 13, 2017



An amazing product can become an average product with a dull advertising, and an average product can become amazing product by compelling advertising. That is the power of advertising. Humankind has always employed this scheme to propose his products and skills in front of the people. Earlier, there was the only newspaper which acted as a source of information about latest products and services. Television revolutionized the marketing and advertising industry in a way which newspaper could not. TV captured the imagination of people and brought significant improvement in the format of advertisement through audio and video format. It remained so until the internet arrived and changed the paradigm of advertisement and marketing.

According to an estimate by Statista,” Global advertising spending is expected to grow by 3.8 percent in 2018. Between 2016 and 2019, Eastern Europe and Central Asia are going to be the fastest growing regions and markets worldwide. The average growth rate of ad spend in that region is expected to amount to 9.2 percent annually. The fastest growing medium is projected to be the mobile internet, growing by 76.05 billion U.S. dollars in the same period.”

Another report from the Magna quotes “Digital growth is mostly being driven by video (+42% to $6.3bn) and social media (+50% to 10.5bn), while Search remains the biggest format (+15% to $28.6bn). Mobile-based campaigns continue to surge to $19.8bn (+58%) to reach one-third of total digital spend. Mobile advertising will outgrow desktop/laptop ad revenues by 2018. In 2016, we expect digital media to grow by double-digit again (+14.6%) to $67.8bn to surpass television and become the number one media category in ad revenues, one year earlier than previously forecast, and one year before the same thing happens at the global level.”

These estimates paint a bright future for the internet industry as we know today. These reports suggest an explosive growth in the Mobile-based advertising which will take over the television advertising.But, all is not what is visible through the surface of the reports. Many problems exist in the current framework of Internet advertisement and affiliate based marketing. The affiliate marketing is the most popular form of marketing on the internet. A few of the problems in this model are mentioned below.

· Issue of Fraudulent Schemes

· Personal Identification Issues

· Ensuring results for the campaign

· Security and Stability Issue

· High Cost of the affiliate marketing

· Lack of trust between Affiliates and advertiser

· The issues of Functionality and uses

· The Issue of conflicts between the affiliate marketer and advertiser

· Lack of a standard framework for the affiliate marketing

There is a need for a decentralised platform which creates a standard in the affiliate marketing. It must be the platform of future, where transparency and security should be at its core. This platform should be able to calculate the results based on the performance of the advertisement.

Solution Offered

HOQU offers a decentralised platform based on the blockchain technology. It is the platform for the affiliate marketing specially designed keeping in mind the view of the growing internet community. HOQU is a technology for the advertisers, marketers, and publishers. They have combined the power of performance marketing with the blockchain technology thereby offering a range of services such as CPA and decentralised ecosystem.

There are four key players on the HOQU platform, namely merchants, affiliates, affiliate network and customer. A few of the unique features of the platform is mentioned below.

· Registration capability on the platform for the key players

· Various operating conditions provided for the key player to grow on the platform

· Appeal Centre for all the participants in case any dispute

· Decentralised web applications for administrators, such as HUM, HAFS, HAT, HSR, HDPN, HOQU support etc.

· Easy Start facility available for the advertisers

· No additional cost to the affiliate marketers and advertisers on the platform

· Very low fee compared to the current platforms for the same services

HOQU is planning to create an ecosystem for the people to access the biggest advertisement network with no additional cost, and in the most secure way possible based on the blockchain technology.

ICO Information & Team

To fulfil the promises and develop their project, they are conducting an ICO from 27th November 2017 to 26th February 2018. They are issuing a total of 137,777,640 for the main token sale. Their token is based on the ethereum platform available under the ticker HQX and equal to 0.0002ETH. They will conduct another public token sale in Q2-Q3 of 2018. The HQX token can be used as a payment medium on the HQOU platform.

They have a diverse team with years of experience in the fields of Internet Marketing, Media, advertising, software development, blockchain development and entrepreneurship.


Advertising is the key ingredient of our buying behaviour. It has the paramount influence on the consumer buying habits. As the technology progresses, we have seen many innovations in the last decade. HOQU is presenting the best solution of the Internet advertising of today based on the latest technology.

For more information visit:

Website: https://www.hoqu.io/

Whitepaper: https://www.hoqu.io/whitepaper/

My btalk name: Kishan748

