How Does YouTube Send Traffic to Your Video

Ileane Smith
3 min readSep 22, 2016


You’re uploading videos to YouTube but noticing that most of them aren’t getting much traffic. It’s a little discouraging because you know how hard you worked. You also know that your content is valuable and that it can help people.

You’ve uploaded all of your live stream replays to YouTube from places like Facebook, Periscope, Huzza, Firetalk and maybe even Snapchat. And the traffic at best is relatively lukewarm.

In order to start getting your videos seen you first need to understand how YouTube works. What are all the “moving parts” on the platform that can point potential viewers (who may or may not be looking for your video) in your direction?

Take a look at this video to learn everywhere your video can get discovered once someone goes to YouTube.

Here are a few select highlights from the transcript from the video:

My name is Ileane and I’m with

I want to talk to you about one of the most exciting websites on the internet and that’s YouTube my friends. YouTube has over a billion users which is almost one-third of all the people on the internet. It’s amazing isn’t it! Every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours of YouTube and generate billions of views. But the question for you my friends and for me is:

“How do I get a piece of that action?”

“How do I get people to find my videos when they’re on the YouTube platform?”

That’s what I want to talk about today. Of course there’s other ways that you can drive traffic to your YouTube channel but we’re talking about people that are actually coming to YouTube. And a lot of times they may be coming to search for something.

They want to be educated, they want to be entertained or they just want to solve a problem.

And they probably figured they can find out how to do that — or how to experience that entertainment or the educational content. They know they can find it on YouTube.

But the first thing that most folks will probably do — outside of us content creators of course — the average person that goes on YouTube will probably go to the YouTube homepage to start off with.

And if they’re on their phone they’re opening the app, they’re on the YouTube home page of the app by default. So one of the ways your videos can get found is if they happen to be on that home page.

They’ll have recommended videos, YouTube knows everybody’s watching habits and they know what kind of videos you like…

There are three different tabs — that will be [1] the stuff that YouTube recommends for you because they know you. You know because you gotta log in. First of all — you can’t even watch YouTube without logging in. So they know who you are.

Then there’s the [2] trending videos. Now you could be lucky. And then there’s your [3]subscriptions.

Discovery on the YouTube Platform

Be sure to check out the video to learn more about discovery on YouTube including:



Related and Recommended Videos in the sidebar

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Did I Miss Anything?

What YouTube tips and tricks do you have up your video marketing sleeve? What did I leave out that you want to add?

I’d love you hear from you and please share this one out and help keep the conversation going!

Subscribe to my YouTube channel: Ms Ileane Speaks



Ileane Smith

Blogger, Podcaster, YouTuber, Social Media Diva! #blogtips #youtubetips