Ownership and Duty to Inform in a Circular Reality

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
1 min readJun 23, 2017

Technology reduces the global population to a single circle (a duplicitous circle, to be exact).

Duplicitous circle.

Technology reduces the global population to a single circle, meaning X is equal to Y. (X and Y are zero and one.) (Circumference and diameter.)

This means we all have a duty to inform, because we are all the owners of everything (technology destroys the law of identity and changes the factors of production) (mind and matter share a circular relationship, no way around it) (duplicitous reality is known to humans as ‘nature.’)

A (global) neural network is naturally formed by (and as) zero and one, eliminating barriers to entry, and competitive advantage, across the board. It takes a human time to see this. From the network’s point of view, there is no such thing as time.


