9 Low Code Dashboard Builders for Developers in 2024

ILLA Cloud
11 min readJul 26, 2023


By Eric Y


Dashboard builders are invaluable tools that allow you to visually track, analyze, and gain actionable insights from your business data. As a developer, choosing the right low code dashboard builder can empower you to rapidly build fully customized, data-rich dashboards tailored to your needs.In this article, we’ll explore the top 9 low code dashboard builders that developers should consider leveraging in 2023.

An Introduction to ILLA Cloud — The React Dashboard Builder

ILLA Cloud is one of the most popular low code platforms on the market, known for its React-based dashboard builder. It allows developers to build modern, interactive dashboards through an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

Some of the key advantages of using ILLA Cloud include:

  • Customizable and extensible — The React framework allows full customizability and extensibility of dashboards. Developers can write custom React components to enhance dashboards.
  • Drag and drop functionality — The intuitive drag and drop editor makes building dashboards simple and quick. Elements can be easily added, edited, and arranged through drag and drop.
  • Responsive design — Dashboards are optimized for mobile and tablet viewing, adapting responsively across devices.

Integration with data sources — It can connect to databases, REST APIs, and other data sources to feed live data into dashboards.

  • Markdown support — The React Markdown component allows displaying Markdown content within dashboards.
  • CSV to JSON conversion — Bulk data in CSV files can be easily converted to JSON for use in dashboards.

ILLA Cloud offers a generous free tier and affordable paid plans to upgrade. With its React-based framework and drag-and-drop functionality, it is one of the easiest ways for developers to build fully-customizable dashboards today.

ILLA Cloud

An Overview of Low Code Dashboard Builders

Low code dashboard builders are platforms that allow you to create interactive, metrics-driven dashboards through an intuitive visual interface instead of traditional coding. They provide pre-built components and connectors that enable you to seamlessly integrate data sources, design interfaces, and develop advanced data visualizations without extensive development efforts.

Leading low code dashboards builders like Retool, AppSmith, and PowerApps empower rapid iteration, easy collaboration, and quick deployment of dashboards aligned to evolving business requirements. They open up dashboard creation and customization to a wider range of users beyond just developers.

For developers, these low code platforms can significantly accelerate building robust, customized dashboards while retaining flexibility compared to traditional coding. Let’s explore some of the top options:

1. Retool


Overview: Retool empowers anyone to build custom, interactive dashboards without writing code. Its drag-and-drop interface lets non-technical users connect data sources like APIs and databases to visualize insights. Retool’s no-code approach enables rapid iteration so teams can adjust dashboards to meet changing needs.

With Retool, building dashboards is fast and simple, requiring zero coding knowledge. It unlocks analytics superpowers for all employees to monitor metrics, gain insights from data, and track workflows. Dashboards can be readily shared across an organization to drive transparency. Whether connecting multiple data sources or building metric-driven dashboards, Retool makes it effortless for all users to become dashboard builders.

2. Appsmith


Overview: Appsmith is an open source dashboard and admin panel builder that makes it easy for developers to build and maintain custom UIs. It provides a drag and drop interface to stitch together different data sources and API endpoints into interactive dashboards.

With Appsmith, developers can quickly build and iterate on admin panels, customer portals and internal tools. It handles authentication, access control and connecting to databases, REST and GraphQL APIs out of the box. The drag-and-drop editor empowers developers to how to build a dashboard faster without having to write boilerplate code.

Key highlights:

  • Drag and drop dashboard builder
  • Connect to databases, REST APIs, GraphQL APIs etc.
  • Pre-built UI components like charts, forms, widgets
  • User management and access control
  • Open source and extensible via plugins
  • Free for individuals with paid plans for teams
  • Markdown in react for documentation

As an open source platform, Appsmith offers the flexibility to customize as required. It is free for individuals with paid plans for teams starting at $5/month.

For developers, Appsmith allows rapidly creating and iterating on dashboards and admin panels tailored to specific needs.

3. Budibase


Overview:Budibase is an innovative no-code platform for creating internal apps and dashboards. Its intuitive drag-and-drop builder and visual editor allow non-technical users to rapidly develop dashboards without writing code. Budibase simplifies connecting to data sources like databases and APIs to design interfaces and workflows.

The no-code approach of Budibase enables teams to quickly iterate dashboards based on changing needs. It empowers all employees to become dashboard builders and gain data insights. Budibase facilitates building robust, customized dashboards that can be readily shared across an organization. Whether creating real-time metric dashboards or connecting multiple data sources, Budibase makes dashboard development easy and fast with its no-code platform.

Key features:

  • Drag and drop builder for frontend and backend
  • Connect to databases like MongoDB, Postgres, MySQL
  • Authentication, role management, API layer
  • Library of pre-built UI components and templates
  • Develop plugins with Budibase’s JS SDK
  • Self-hosted or cloud options available

Budibase simplifies developing robust internal apps, dashboards, and admin panels for developers. It is open source and free for individuals with paid plans starting at $15/month per builder.

4. UI Bakery

UI Bakery

Overview: UI Bakery is an open source dashboard builder for React that makes it easy to create customized, interactive dashboards. It provides a visual, no-code interface to connect data sources and design full-featured dashboards.

With UI Bakery, developers can quickly build and iterate on React-based dashboards. It handles connecting to data sources like REST APIs and databases out of the box. The drag-and-drop editor empowers teams to rapidly create React Dashboard builder without coding.

Key highlights:

- Drag and drop dashboard designer

- Connect to REST APIs, databases, CSV

- CSV to JSON parsing built-in

- Customizable chart widgets

- Role-based access control

- Markdown in react documentation

- Open source and extensible

UI Bakery enables anyone to visually assemble dashboards with its no-code editor. It gives fine-grained control over layout and appearance for Custom Dashboard build.

By handling the React infrastructure, UI Bakery speeds up building interactive, data-driven dashboards. Teams can readily create and iterate on customized dashboards tailored to needs.

5. Internal.io


Overview: UI Bakery enables building web apps and dashboards using React. It supports using Markdown in React components for writing content. Markdown can be rendered in UI Bakery dashboards using React-based Markdown libraries like React Markdown.

With Markdown support in UI Bakery, developers can write content in Markdown syntax which gets converted to HTML. This enables creating rich text content with headers, lists, images etc in a simple format. By integrating Markdown editing into dashboards, UI Bakery provides an easy way to create Markdown-formatted content blocks in web apps.

Key features:

  • Visual designer with drag and drop building
  • Connect to data sources like Postgres, MySQL, REST APIs
  • User management, access control, and SSO
  • Library of pre-built components
  • Extend functionality via plugins
  • Markdown support
  • Host on-premises or in the cloud

As an open source platform, Internal.io offers full customization flexibility. It is free for individuals and teams to use.

For developers, it enables rapid creation of admin panels, workflows, and dashboards.

6. Airplane


Overview: Airplane is an open-source low-code platform for rapidly building and deploying internal web applications. Its intuitive visual interface empowers teams to quickly develop custom tools tailored to their needs.

With its React-based editor, Airplane allows teams to design UIs, connect APIs, integrate databases, and add business logic through an easy drag-and-drop workflow. It speeds up internal tool development without compromising code quality or flexibility. The visual editor makes it easy to how to build a web based dashboard without programming expertise.

Key highlights:

  • No code dashboard builder with drag-and-drop editor
  • Connect to diverse data sources
  • Library of pre-built widgets and templates
  • Interactive drill down dashboards
  • Real-time dashboard refresh
  • User management and access control

Airplane removes the need for coding to build data dashboards. With its visual editor, anyone can create and modify responsive, interactive dashboards. It provides collaboration capabilities for teams to work together on dashboard projects.

The no-code approach of Airplane’s dashboard builder allows rapidly iterating on data visualization needs. Teams can build how to build a web based dashboard tailored to their use cases without coding expertise.

7. PowerApps


Overview: PowerApps enables anyone to create custom dashboards tailored to business needs without coding. Its intuitive canvas simplifies connecting data sources like SharePoint and Dynamics to visualize insights.

With drag-and-drop components, PowerApps empowers rapid design of interactive dashboards. Users can build metrics-driven dashboards with charts, filters, and real-time updates. PowerApps accelerates dashboard creation and iteration for data-informed decisions. Whether it’s monitoring KPIs, gaining customer insights, or simplifying reporting, PowerApps is a robust platform for building fully customized dashboards efficiently.

Key capabilities:

  • Canvas app designer with drag and drop building
  • Connectors to data sources like SharePoint, Dynamics 365, Excel etc.
  • Pre-built templates for common app scenarios
  • Formula-based logic and automation
  • AI-powered components like image recognition
  • Integrates tightly with Microsoft Power Platform
  • On-prem or cloud deployment options

Power Apps empowers developers to rapidly build custom LOB apps and workflows for Microsoft-centric environments. It offers a free plan for individuals with paid plans starting at $10/user/month for teams.

8. Appian


Overview: Appian is a low-code application development platform that enables rapid building of web and mobile apps without coding. With Appian, organizations can quickly build custom dashboards and data visualization using a visual interface.

The Appian platform provides pre-built components to connect data sources, design interfaces via drag-and-drop, and automate workflows. This empowers teams to how to build a web-based dashboard tailored to their needs without coding expertise. The low-code approach brings agility to creating and iterating on how to build a custom dashboard.

Key highlights:

- No code dashboard builder with drag and drop interface

- Connect to databases, APIs, cloud services

- Visually design forms, reports and interfaces

- Embedded analytics and business intelligence

- Collaborative development across teams

- Secure access control and user management

Appian delivers the speed and flexibility to design custom applications and dashboards through its visual development. With its low-code platform, organizations can rapidly translate ideas into web and mobile apps to enhance data-driven decision making.

The Appian platform provides the capabilities to quickly build and iterate on data visualization without coding skills. Its drag-and-drop interface provides agility in how to build a custom dashboard tailored to evolving needs.

9. Caspio


Overview: Caspio is a leading low-code platform for building customized web database applications and dashboards. Its visual, drag-and-drop interface empowers non-coders to rapidly develop applications without hand-coding.

Caspio offers pre-built templates and components to streamline connecting data sources, designing user interfaces, and automating workflows. It enables rapid iteration allowing teams to continuously improve applications aligned to evolving business needs. With Caspio, organizations can quickly turn ideas into web and mobile apps to enhance productivity and decision-making.

Key features:

  • Drag and drop interface for app design
  • Connect to SQL, NoSQL, REST APIs, Excel, CSVs
  • User management, access control, and APIs
  • Library of pre-built components/templates
  • Automated workflow builder
  • Team collaboration capabilities
  • Hosted on Caspio cloud

Caspio allows developers to rapidly turn ideas into web apps and admin panels with minimal coding. It offers a free plan for individuals, with paid plans starting at $59/month per builder.

Why ILLA Cloud is an Optimal Choice

ILLA Cloud is one of the top low code React dashboard builders developers should consider in 2023. Its open source React framework provides unmatched control and customizability compared to other low code tools. The intuitive drag and drop editor accelerates building while still offering full access to code.

Other differentiating features include robust data connectivity, markdown support, CSV to JSON conversion, and responsive design. ILLA Cloud allows developers to quickly build production-ready, modern React dashboards customized to their needs.

The generous free tier makes it easy to get started while affordable paid tiers provide all the capabilities needed for real-world applications. For developers looking to maximize productivity and customizability when building dashboards, ILLA Cloud is an outstanding choice.

This covers 9 of the top low-code dashboard builder platforms that developers should evaluate when looking to accelerate dashboard creation. While low code tools sacrifice some customizability, they provide big gains in development speed through visual builders and templates. Leading options like Retool, Appsmith, Budibase, and ILLA Cloud make dashboard building accessible even without traditional coding.

Each platform has different strengths based on the specific use case — whether it is internal business analytics, public dashboards, mobile support, or customization needs. For developers that want a fully customizable React-based builder with drag and drop ease of use and data connectivity, ILLA Cloud stands out as a top choice. By maximizing productivity while still offering coding flexibility, ILLA Cloud provides the best of both worlds.



This covers 9 of the top low code dashboard builder platforms that developers should evaluate when looking to accelerate dashboard creation. While low code tools sacrifice some customizability, they provide big gains in development speed through visual builders and templates. Leading options like Retool, Appsmith, Budibase, and ILLA Cloud make dashboard building accessible even without traditional coding.

Each platform has different strengths based on the specific use case — whether it is internal business analytics, public dashboards, mobile support, or customization needs. For developers that want a fully customizable React-based builder with drag and drop ease of use and data connectivity, ILLA Cloud stands out as a top choice. By maximizing productivity while still offering coding flexibility, ILLA Cloud provides the best of both worlds.

Join our Discord Community: discord.com/invite/illacloud

Try ILLA Cloud for free: cloud.illacloud.com

ILLA Home Page: illacloud.com

GitHub page: github.com/illacloud/illa-builder


(1) About ILLA — ILLA. https://www.illacloud.com/en-US/docs/about-illa.

(2) ILLA Cloud | Accelerate your internal tools development. https://www.illacloud.com/.

(3) ILLA Cloud — Product Information, Latest Updates, and Reviews 2023 …. https://www.producthunt.com/products/illa.

(4) ILLA Cloud | Connect to mainstream databases. https://www.illacloud.com/integrations?ref=illa-blog

(5) ILLA Cloud | Collaboration with members https://www.illacloud.com/docs/collaboration?ref=illa-blog

(6) Updated Drag-and-Drop Feature of ILLA Cloud: Revolutionizing Component Placement and Layout. https://blog.illacloud.com/updated-drag-and-drop-feature-of-illa-cloud-revolutionizing-component-placement-and-layout/



ILLA Cloud

An Open-source low code platform for developers to build internal Tools rapidly.