Game On! Block Anti-Choice Judge Brett Kavanaugh from holding our freedom and our future in his hands.

Ilyse Hogue
3 min readJul 10, 2018


Trump just nominated the Supreme Court justice that anti-choice conservatives have been calling for. Make no mistake, Brett Kavanaugh will overturn and gut Roe v Wade.

We know Trump’s intentions here — despite what Republicans are saying now, President Trump has promised over and over again to appoint Supreme Court justices who will work to overturn Roe v. Wade. And that isn’t all.

  • Trump told Chris Matthews during the 2016 campaign that he thought there needed to be “some punishment” for women who seek abortions.
  • Mike Pence himself promised on the campaign trail that if Trump won, “we’ll see Roe v. Wade consigned to the ash heap of history where it belongs.”

The anti-choice movement has known all along that a Trump Supreme Court nominee is their best chance at gutting Roe, criminalizing abortion, and punishing women. Brett Kavanaugh is it.

Kavanaugh’s record is terrifying.

  • He recently split with his Circuit Court to argue that a young immigrant woman, despite meeting all of Texas’ burdensome requirements to get an abortion, did not have a right to legal abortion care.
  • He wrote a heated dissent in Priests for Life v. HHS, arguing that the religious accommodation in the Affordable Care Act was too high a burden on employers and that they could decline to cover contraception for the women who work for them.
  • He is active in the extreme Federalist Society, which has long promoted justices and judges who would overturn Roe.
  • He believes that the president is above the law.
  • Kavanaugh has literally millions of documents that need to be vetted and reviewed prior to hearings being able to be held appropriately; the same standard that Justice Kagan was held to by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who argued that her service to Bill Clinton was disqualifying and made her too biased to serve.
  • Kavanaugh would have the second highest conservative rating on the Court, next to Clarence Thomas who has been a consistent vote against abortion, contraception, and the Affordable Care Act.

This fight goes beyond Roe. This is a battle for the very heart and soul of our country and the result is about nothing less than women’s safety and freedom for generations to come.

The public stands with Roe v. Wade and against nominees that will overturn and gut Roe — and Americans will punish senators who vote for an anti-choice nominee.

And we have the numbers! A Kaiser Family Foundation poll from June of 2018, conducted on behalf of NARAL Pro-Choice America by Public Policy Polling in key states, finds that the majority of voters, including over 70% of independent voters, do not want to see Roe v. Wade ended.

The Republicans will claim that this Judge is “qualified,” and by that they mean he has a long record of being a lawyer and a judge. But we cannot forget that the President changed the rules of the game when he put the litmus test on his nomination. The threshold for qualifications absolutely must include a Justice who will uphold Roe beyond a shadow of a doubt. Brett Kavanaugh is not that guy.

This is the fight women have been preparing for since five million of us marched in the streets on January 21st. There’s more of us than there are of them, we are ready, and we can win.

America needs your voice. Here is how you can help:

  • Mark your calendars for NARAL’s Day of Action on August 26th! Details to follow with events across the country.
  • Review the top GOP myths about Trump’s nominee and be ready to knock them down.
  • Encourage those around you to contact their senator. Every single Senator needs to hear that a vote for a Trump SCOTUS nominee is a vote to overturn and gut Roe.



Ilyse Hogue

President of NARAL Pro-Choice America. Proud Texan. Pastimes include #sharkweek & hound dogs. Love new ideas, so bring 'em.