Jessica Waite
1 min readJan 5, 2016

Code My Way to a Better Developer.

This is a list of projects I want to build, technology I want to use and Api’s I want to build with in 2016. Some of these things I have done in the past but would like a refresher (Building DB, using Passport.js, etc). I will tick these off as I accomplish them.

Use Google Drive API with Raspberry Pi- I want to create an app that lets me use photos in a particular drive folder and send it to my TV as a screensaver.

Successfully create have a commit accepted to Hack Against Slavery.

Instagram API- I want to build a website that gives a custom view of my Instagram.

Write a React.js Application

Write an Angular App

Create a DB with MongoDB

Use Passport.js- Authenticate people on a project I am working on.

Use Polymer

Build a Swift App (iOS)- I haven’t touched mobile and i would love to see what it is about.

Use Twilio API- Send encouraging notes to people — A cheerleader app, if you will.

Use Google analytics API


I will continue to learn and grow and although this is a very rudimentary list it will bring both challenges and great payoffs as I re-learn things I have forgotten or leverage new tech.

Jessica Waite

Product Manager, Web Developer, #Startup-er, Adventurer, Life Enthusiast and Acceptor of Challenges. Founder of @HelloDevs. Developer Advocate @NYTechWomen