Mosquito don’t bite me, WHY?

Suhail Khan
2 min readDec 17, 2018


The process of attraction begins long before the landing. Mosquitoes get used to detect carbon dioxide, skin odor and compounds that interact with there receptor.

Female mosquito feed on some humans more than others. Genetics play a major role in this but some other factors are also responsible which may be in favor of you are listed below:

Percentage of steroids or fat

Mosquito prefers humans who got more percentage of steroids or fat in their skin. So, if your body has a relatively less amount of steroids or fat around the people sitting around you, it may favor you!

Amount of CO2 Release

They feed more on adults as compared to young ones, as adult release more amount of CO2. They even prefer more of a pregnant woman as because of there tendency of excessive release of CO2.

Blood Group

They also have preference over blood group, they majorly prefer blood group O then group B and least blood group A.

Around 85 percent of people secrete a type of chemical that tells the mosquitoes what kind of blood they have. Mosquitoes feed much more often on those who secrete this chemical than on those who do not.

Secretions from Sweat

They target more of people who secrete more of uric acid and lactic acid from there sweat glands.

They got attracted more towards person at the time when he/she is performing some kind of physical exercises, as at that time they exhale more amount of CO2 and also secrete more of uric acid and lactic acid from there sweat glands.

Note: Mosquitoes detect humans majorly with the sense of CO2 and Sweat from the body.

Hope, you find the reasons why mosquito prefers biting some people more than others.



Suhail Khan

Applications Developer 2 @ Oracle | Founder @ BizzBucket | BITS Pilani