Outdoor Advertising vs. Indoor Ads: What You Need to Know

Imad Jomaa
4 min readMar 16, 2020


The differences between outdoor ads and indoor ads are quite obvious. Older forms of advertising like newspapers and billboards are still effective ways to advertise. However, digital advertising has grown tremendously over the past decade. So which strategy is best for you?

Different adverting methods work better for different businesses, so it’s best to analyze the specific needs of your business before deciding on a marketing approach. Keep reading to learn about the pros and cons of outdoor versus digital advertising.

Digital Advertising Can Be Profitable, but Isn’t Automatically

Starting to advertise online can raise some concern when it comes to its effectiveness. Most tech-savvy people enable ad blocking, causing your ads to go unseen. Investing in marketing that doesn’t produce the intended results can be frustrating, so research is highly recommended before implementing a strategy.

Start your research by determining who the target audience is. Advertising to the wrong demographic can hurt your business, especially in the early phases. Knowing what social platforms your audience uses the most is an easy way to plan your marketing strategy.

The behind-the-scenes of digital marketing is also important. Knowing what kind of technical factors can impact your ability to display your ads to your target demographic can help avoid an ineffective campaign due to low visibility and engagement.

Outside Advertising Is Tried-and-True, but Expensive

Some business owners find more success by using outside advertising. The difference between the two is that online advertising can be implemented from any location with an internet connection while outdoor advertising takes more effort, research, and financial resources.

Placing flyers on posts and public clipboards — or, for more established businesses, placing magazine ads — are considered outside ads. These traditional advertising methods are ideal if you want to get your foot in the door and attract a bigger range of customers. Unfortunately, however, print advertising comes at an increased cost, which can be financially challenging for a new business.

Most businesses will combine both outdoor and digital advertising methods to optimize their consumer audience. Using both can build your business quickly, especially if it is a highly sought-after product or service that anyone can use.

Some Drawbacks Are Possible Regardless of Method

While both methods can be successful for big and small businesses, there are pros and cons to each. Some things are unavoidable, so it is best to carefully consider these issues before deciding which method is the most promising. Some drawbacks that are possible regardless of which strategy you choose are:

- Not connecting with the target audience. Every business has an ideal customer, and choosing a distribution method that doesn’t appeal to that demographic can hurt your business.

- Cost. While online options are budget-friendly, they can add up over time. Traditional ad methods are more expensive on the front end, but can yield significant benefits over the long term.

- Advertising is unpredictable. Some things can’t be controlled. There’s no way to know for sure if your ad will produce results.

Each method has specific possible benefits.

Pros of Digital Advertising

When small businesses are getting started, they tend to start with online advertising because of benefits like:

- Cost. Many digital advertising methods are cheap, which is exactly what a new business needs so they don’t overspend.

- Targeted distribution. Because there are many social media platforms that people from all backgrounds use, business owners can reach their intended audiences more quickly.

- Other business tools. Advertising online can lead to finding other tools that can help grow a new company.

Pros of Outdoor Advertising

With outdoor advertising, established businesses can take advantage of benefits like:

- Brand loyalty. While big businesses may choose to utilize online methods to expand their audiences, loyal customers still make up most of their business.

- Market saturation. Businesses with larger budgets can advertise in multiple physical locations. This will get them more foot traffic.

- Accessibility. This type of advertising encourages business owners to connect with actual people. This can facilitate professional relationships that may lead to other opportunities.

Deciding What’s Right for Your Business

Which method you choose will depend on what is the best decision for your business. It’s not either/or, so you can also blend the two methods as appropriate.

As your company grows, your needs may change. Your initial choice doesn’t have to be your way of advertising forever. As advertising is becoming more fluid, entrepreneurs are customizing their marketing strategies to enhance their businesses.



Imad Jomaa

Imad Jomaa is the founder and president of JGROUP, a leading group of prominent and highly diversified businesses.