A lot of people will lose money on Bitcoin today. But not you if you read this.

Of Minds And Markets Ph.D
3 min readOct 12, 2017
He bought the top. Image by https://unsplash.com/@tompumford

As I write this, Bitcoin has just made a new all time high. I think we may see $25,000 per Bitcoin in the next 2 years.

We are in one of the greatest bull markets of all time. And a lot of people are going to lose money. As in, get completely rekt.

Let me explain.

You see, the market conspires to take your money. It does this by playing on your psychology in nearly irresistible ways, enticing you to make exactly the wrong move at exactly the wrong time.

No one is immune.

The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of as many men as possible.

-Bernard Baruch

Lets see how this works in practice with an example from earlier this year.

Follow me on the journey of a typical “investor” in nine simple pictures:

