Official Rashida Tlaib’s Impeach The MF Shirt | Official Impeach The MF Shirt


Rashida Tlaib’s campaign begins selling “Impeach the MF” T-shirts

Representative Rashida Tlaib’s re-election campaign has started selling T-shirts based on her most widely-known phrase: “Impeach the MF.” The new merchandise launched following the announcement of a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump earlier this week.

The Democratic congresswoman from Michigan went viral earlier this year for passionately calling for Mr. Trump’s impeachment. “We’re going to go in and impeach the motherf***er,” she said, just hours after being sworn into office.

“Lean in with me to hold this lawless President accountable. Together, we will fight back and protect our democracy,” Tlaib tweeted Thursday.

Some social media users accused Tlaib of making light of the impeachment inquiry. She defended herself on Friday, tweeting, “Impeachment is serious — I know this. But it is a mistake to try to equate T-shirts with the destruction of our democracy or try to paint those who’ve risked out safety calling for it, as not taking it seriously.”

“If there is anyone who takes impeachment seriously it is myself & the people I fight for every day,” she continued. “Whether or not you agree with the expression, the T-shirts are to bring levity to my supporters.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced this week that the House launched a formal impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump, who faces allegations that he pressured the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

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Rep. Rashida Tlaib is selling ‘Impeach the MF’ shirts as a campaign fundraiser

Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib is taking calls for President Donald Trump’s impeachment to her own T-shirt line with a familiar message: “Impeach the MF.”

Tlaib’s Thursday T-shirt launch came hours after the public release of a whistleblower report that said the president “used the power of his office” to solicit help from Ukraine in discrediting political rival Joe Biden.

The slogan on the shirts echos Tlaib’s public call for Trump’s impeachment in January, which gained national attention for her use of a profanity.

“Lean in with me to hold this lawless President accountable,” Tlaib, who represents Michigan’s 13th Congressional District, said on Twitter Thursday.

The tweet links to a fundraising page for Tlaib’s campaign offering the shirts as a gift of “gratitude” for a $29 contribution.

The majority of House Democrats — including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi — have come out in support of an impeachment inquiry.

After an outcry from some corners, U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib is defending her campaign’s sale of T-shirts emblazoned with her rallying cry to “impeach the mother (expletive),” referring to President Donald Trump.

Tlaib, a Detroit Democrat, said Friday on Twitter that the shirts were an effort to bring “levity” to her supporters, stressing that she understands the seriousness of impeachment, which she has called for since the days of her 2018 campaign.

“Instead of the t-shirts, focus on this President’s criminal, impeachable behavior,” Tlaib said.

“Impeachment is serious — I know this. But it is a mistake to try to equate t-shirts with the destruction of our democracy or try to paint those who’ve risked our safety calling for it, as not taking it seriously,” Tlaib wrote.

“If there is anyone who takes impeachment seriously it is myself & the people I fight for everyday. Whether or not you agree with the expression, the t-shirts are to bring levity to my supporters. A senior in my district said, ‘It feels liberating.’

“Not only has this President personally targeted my faith, but he has been making decisions as a CEO of the Trump Corp., not as someone looking out for what is best for the American people,” wrote Tlaib, one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress.

“Focus on why people are so angry with this President and his administration.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday.

Michigan Republican Party chairwoman Laura Cox criticized the shirt sales.

“Rashida Tlaib’s efforts to sell pro-impeachment T-shirts shows that these inquiries are nothing more than a partisan ploy by Democrats to fill their campaign coffers and appease the radical base,” Cox said.

“The American people deserve real results, not another witch hunt Democrats want to go through.”

Michigan colleague Republican Rep. Bill Huizenga of Zeeland slammed the T-shirts as inappropriate. “Can you imagine the outrage if I had put a T-shirt together like that for impeaching President Obama?” Huizenga told The Detroit News.

Tlaib’s campaign advertised the shirts Thursday after momentum to impeach the president gained momentum among House Democrats this week.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday launched an impeachment inquiry after a whistleblower alleged that Trump sought help from a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political rival.

Priced at $29 each, the “impeach” T-shirts come in six designs sporting Tlaib’s now- infamous call for Trump’s impeachment as part of an American flag or as a hashtag. A spokesman said the campaign sold over 1,000 shirts since 3 p.m. Thursday.

The shirts were inspired by Tlaib’s first day in office when a video of her speaking at a Washington party went viral and catapulted her into the headlines.

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Tlaib campaign starts selling ‘impeach the mf’ T-shirts

Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s reelection campaign has begun selling “impeach the mf” T-shirts after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

The Michigan Democrat made headlines earlier this year when she said “We’re going to go in and impeach the mothef — -er” hours after she was sworn into office.

“Lean in with me to hold this lawless President accountable. Together, we will fight back and protect our democracy,” Tlaib tweeted Thursday.

“Our country depends on it!…and yes you can even wear what you feel,” she added.

Rashida Tlaib is taking calls for President Donald Trump’s impeachment to her own T-shirt line with a familiar message: “Impeach the MF.”

Tlaib’s Thursday T-shirt launch came hours after the public release of a whistleblower report that said the president “used the power of his office” to solicit help from Ukraine in discrediting political rival Joe Biden.

“Lean in with me to hold this lawless President accountable,” Tlaib, who represents Michigan’s 13th Congressional District, asked on Twitter.

DETROIT, MI — Capitalizing on calls to impeach President Donald Trump, a Michigan congresswoman has launched a line of “Impeach the MF” T-shirts to support her re-election campaign.

U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Detroit, is asking citizens to “lean in with me to hold this lawless president accountable.”

“Together, we will fight back and protect our democracy. Our country depends on it!” she tweeted, sharing a link to a website where shirts can be had for a $29 contribution.

“We are at the most critical moment in our movement to impeach Donald Trump,” the website states. “We need to keep up the momentum and get even louder to make sure Congress acts swiftly and passes articles of impeachment against this lawless president.”

The shirts come in different designs, each emblazoned with “Impeach the MF.” It’s shown as a quote attributed to Tlaib, who garnered national attention after taking office in January when she remarked

Calls to impeach Trump intensified this week after it came to light he asked Ukraine’s president to look into Democratic political rival Joe Biden in a July 25 phone call. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi launched a formal impeachment inquiry Tuesday, Sept. 24.

“Yesterday, I stood with grassroots activists and Congress members outside the Capitol as we called to impeach Trump — finally, with the backing of over 90% of House Democrats,” Tlaib wrote in an email promoting the new shirts Friday, saying it’s been a long road to get here. “Now you can wear what you feel.”

