CLUTCH Explains the Increasing Popularity of Natural Ingredients in Men’s Hair Wellness Products

Chris Mitchelle
4 min readApr 29, 2024


LOS ANGELES, CA–Hair loss, or Male Pattern Baldness, continues to impact the self-esteem of millions of men. Whether because of a few extra strands of hair on a pillow or a receding hairline, many will find themselves heading to pharmacies for solutions. However, the issue is what they will find: products that contain synthetic chemicals, which can produce well-documented, distressing side effects. It places men in a difficult position, one that forces them to choose between having fuller hair and avoiding erectile dysfunction, birth defects, and other problems.

Now, however, CLUTCH has introduced a new option that can eliminate those side effects while still improving a scalp’s wellness: its plant-based Thick AF Hair Density Serum. By relying on the science of nature, CLUTCH is helping men to enhance the strength, density, and shine of their hair.

Below, CLUTCH lays out three reasons for why men of all ages are setting aside their bottles of toxic chemicals and are instead reaching for plant-based products, allowing them to safely regrow their hair and confidence.

A holistic approach to hair care can lead to better results

Daniel Hodgdon, the FOUNDER of CLUTCH, is a big believer in the benefits of natural hair wellness products. After founding VEGAMOUR, the world’s leading hair wellness brand for women, and attracting Nicole Kidman as an investor, he brought his understanding of natural ingredients to men’s hair care to address the underlying factors that contribute to hair loss. He says this was one of his company’s biggest goals in creating their CLUTCH Thick AF Hair Density Serum.

“Surface-level symptoms were, without a doubt, important, but even more so were the root causes of hair loss,” he believes. “You can think of hair as being just one part of your body’s vast ecosystem, with its health impacted by seemingly connected issues. Most of us know that stress and poor sleep can contribute to shedding, but hair and its follicles are also impacted by complex biological processes under the scalp. Nature can help address them in ways that synthetic chemicals may not be able to do.”

CLUTCH’s Thick AF Hair Density Serum relies on plant-science to target these underlying factors with powerful botanical actives, such as the company’s proprietary hops-derived exosome, which is utilized throughout its product range of serums, shampoos, conditioners and its ground-breaking Thick AF Hair Density Ale. Hops Extract has been clinically proven to strongly inhibit the activity of 5a-reductase enzyme, which converts testosterone into hair-destroying DHT. It can also enhance the proliferation of hair follicle-derived keratinocytes. As a result, the scalp is nourished, leading to more vibrant hair and holistic support for a man’s overall well-being.

Minimal side effects are a big plus

As mentioned above, the use of synthetic chemicals to regrow hair can cause a very long list of potential side effects, which also include acne, swelling of the face, hormonal imbalances, and lightheadedness, among others. Hair-wellness products that are sourced from plants, herbs, and botanicals have many significant advantages not possessed by their chemical competitors, particularly innate gentleness.

Hodgdon says, “Why is this important? Well, remember first that the scalp is a very sensitive area. Can you imagine applying a product that contains minoxidil or finasteride? It can cause irritation or dryness, and it can even make hair loss worse. That alone is one of the biggest reasons we use only ‘green’ ingredients at CLUTCH. We want to avoid those reactions from chemicals and take it easy on a man’s scalp.”

Plant-based actives are seen as safer, as they boast a significantly lower risk of adverse reactions. By using plant-based products, men can be more confident about their wellness and enjoy more peace of mind.

Environmental and ethical considerations are increasingly important

“More men are trying to minimize their footprint on the environment, and they are bringing their values into the care of their hair and scalp,” says Hodgdon. “Some synthetic chemicals can be derived from petroleum or other non-renewable sources, which is a big concern in this day and age.”

However, natural ingredients are both biodegradable and sustainable, allowing men to take care of their hair and honor the environment at the same time.

A few more suggestions from CLUTCH about green haircare products for men

So, what is the verdict? Plant-based or chemicals? If it feels like a tough decision to make, Hodgdon recommends getting more information so that you can understand your options.

“Check out CLUTCH’s website, where you can read up on natural ingredients on our blog, including the amazing science behind today’s innovative products and biohacks for hair loss,” he suggests. “Ask as many questions as you need, and feel free to pick our brains. Making the right choice for yourself always starts with up-to-date knowledge. From there, we will help guide you so that you can feel confident about taking care of your hair and scalp.”


CLUTCH is a men’s hair wellness brand that provides plant-based products for hair loss, scalp health, dandruff, graying, and clean styling. Its mission is to offer “green,” effective, and health-conscious solutions without adverse effects. For more information about CLUTCH, including its Hair Density Serum and the upcoming launch of its Hair Density Lager, a nonalcoholic beer infused with natural ingredients, please visit

