How Ethan Campuzano is Championing Fitness

Imperium Group
3 min readSep 25, 2023

Ethan Campuzano’s journey is one of resilience, transformation, and an unwavering passion for fitness. From his high school days to his service in the marine corps and overcoming personal challenges, his life’s trajectory has carved out a unique path, setting him apart as an online fitness coach for young men who are looking for something beyond just workout plans and meal suggestions — though he does offer those services as well.

He has recently launched his coaching company, Primitive Up, which promotes a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being.

The Journey to Fitness

Growing up, Ethan admits that he was a slender young man, and his strength was often underestimated. However, a turning point came during his last year of high school, where he began to see the transformative power of fitness. This passion drove him to college football and later, the discipline and resilience of the marine corps.

But life wasn’t always an upward trajectory. After leaving the military, he faced significant mental health challenges and grappled with addiction. It was during this dark phase that he discovered the healing and empowering nature of fitness. Starting with just one client who sought his guidance, Ethan’s commitment to transforming lives grew, leading him to establish Primitive Up and offer his services online.

What Primitive Up Offers

Ethan’s comprehensive fitness platform, Primitive Up, makes sure that clients receive a tailor-made experience. From 1:1 personal training sessions, weekly check-ins, personalized workout programs, and customized meal plans, Ethan oversees every aspect of a client’s journey. The addition of video demonstrations, a progress tracker, exclusive mobile app access, and a supportive community via a private Facebook group underscores Ethan’s commitment to holistic fitness.

Ethan’s Philosophy

Ethan believes that the foundation for a healthy life begins in one’s early adult years. With the right guidance and mindset, young men can harness their potential, build their bodies, and exude confidence that will last a lifetime. “Success,” says Ethan, “is when you work hard enough with enough consistency that you feel like you’re doing enough even when the results aren’t there yet.” This, he adds, is how he runs his coaching approach — and it instills in his clients the importance of persistence and patience.

Eating Habits for Life

Rather than promoting restrictive diets, Ethan focuses on fostering a love for good nutrition. He recognizes the challenges young men face, especially when social temptations arise. Instead of preaching discipline, he emphasizes commitment to oneself and a balanced approach to eating.

Building Confidence in Modern Gyms

In today’s world, gyms have evolved into more inclusive spaces, yet the importance of walking in with a clear plan remains. Ethan provides his clients with the knowledge and structure they need to navigate the gym confidently, ensuring they can optimize their workouts and achieve their fitness goals.

Guidance for Fitness Newbies

Ethan understands that not everyone has a background in sports or fitness. His approach is inclusive, catering to those entirely new to the fitness world. With his guidance, clients learn that one doesn’t need to be an athlete to enjoy the benefits of a fit and healthy lifestyle. He offers a roadmap to achieving fitness while still enjoying life’s pleasures.

Ethan Campuzano is a passionate young entrepreneur whose blossoming career is a testament to the transformative power of fitness, both physically and mentally. He has struggled through facing personal adversities, and now champions the cause of holistic fitness is inspiring.

Through Primitive Up, he continues to touch lives, offering a balanced and comprehensive approach to health and well-being. As Ethan looks to the future, his mission remains clear: to empower young men to harness their potential, build strong bodies, and cultivate a lifetime of confidence.

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