Build a Messaging system with Laravel Messager Package

INANI El Houssain
1 min readJan 13, 2017


Hello guys, Recently I’ve joined the #100DayOfCode challenge, And during the first 9 Days I’ve learnt so many things, more than I’ve done before. one of my 2017 goals was to contribute to the Laravel’s community with Packages. and YES I’ve just made my First Ever package. Actually its a very good experience, I’ve understood the power of using packages rather than to code directly, the ability to use it wherever you want without typing one single line of code!

Laravel Messager

this package is built with the idea to make the operations as human as possible, its about setting up a messaging system, something like Gmail, right now its not complete. but it containes what it needs.

How to use it

You can find everything about that package in here (, I assure you that its very easy to use. and just by taking look at the documentation you’ll understand it.

Can You?

I would really love to help me by trying it, and if you have any issue or suggestion please share it with me. That way I’d try to fix it and learn more and more.

