Resurrection Of Nehru

Mohit Swami
4 min readFeb 20, 2020


Pandit Jawarhal Nehru- The Greatest Statesman

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU- the name which has gained immense fame for its synonymity with indigestion. Prefix it with “Pandit” and it will be a cause for ulcer. Since 2014, it’s near to impossible to discern if Nehru is the 13th prime minister of India or Narendra Modi? So, who was this legendary man to have become punching bag for the current dispensation? The man was an enigmatic figure with an aura of fame, charm & intellect. His crusade against the imperialist & the fervour in his speeches drove Indians from all corners like swarm of bees. Surely, his idea of modern India free from the grasps of colonialism bundled with Gandhian principles drugged the citizenry with hope, aspiration and unending imagination.

It is but natural for the BJP to envy such a giant, who breathed his last in 1964 continues to haunt them with his feats, which is near to impossible for a person in a single lifetime. Definitely to credit only Nehru would be unfair to those stalwarts who toiled relentlessly to make India the land of endless opportunities. Likewise, to blame Nehru for all the flaws & drawbacks is preposterous. So, what is it about Nehru that pricks Narendra Modi like a thorn in the rose flower? Is it just contempt for the Congress party (ideological opponent) or is it personal? My judgement is that it’s the latter.

In his book ‘Narendra Modi-The Man, The Times’ by Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay highlights the important aspect of Modi’s childhood. Since his younger days, Bal Narendra yearned for recognition and eternal glory. It’s unsurprising that soon after assuming office in 2014, the self proclaimed austere PM hastily embarked on visits of 59 nations. The purpose? Evidently to establish himself as the only ambassador of contemporary India. This is a stark contrast and departure from Nehruvian diplomacy. Undoubtedly Nehru dominated the global sphere with his inspiring views on world order, his pursuit for free speech and the potential India possesses to contribute it but never he cemented himself as the sole voice for 30 crore Indians (1947). In brief, Nehru backed his words with deeds unlike Modi who solely relies upon PR organisations to create a palace of illusion.

Nehru Quotes

On domestic front, Nehru believed in the immense potential of Indians. But potential needs impetus to be harnessed. For that he created institutes of eminence- IIT, IIM, DRDO, CSIR, BARC, AIIMS. In every institution Nehru encouraged free speech, debate of policies, discussion of ideas. What we call as our Fundamental Right, Jawaharlal Nehru enshrined it in our constitution decades ago. In his book “Nehru- The Invention Of India” Dr. Shashi Tharoor narrates an interesting anecdote. Once a vernacular newspaper printed an article excoriating Nehru on all fronts, even going to the extent of calling him “… a dictator in process”. When furore erupted, the newspaper revealed that the writer of the article was none other than Nehru himself. He never encouraged euphemism to triumph his judgements. This is perhaps what distinguished him as ‘The Greatest Statesman’ India ever produced. In contrast, Narendra Modi has displayed characteristics of modern day Xerxes. Every voice of criticism emanating from citizens is dealt with bullets, lathi charge & sedition. Under his reign writers, authors, journalists, activists are either arrested, shot dead or disappeared without a trace. Blatant disregard for human rights has rightly earned him the title of ‘Divider-In-Chief’ from Time Magazine, an international publication of immense repute.

In his zeal to replace Nehru as the greatest statesman, Narendra Modi has instead exalted him than history ever did. He forgot that paid propaganda can never distort reality (no matter how bitter). The foolhardiness of Modi to vilify Nehru has backfired. It’s a known fact that one can’t earn respect by belittling a leader who has departed Earth 6 decades ago. Since, he cannot draw a bigger line than his predecessor, the only option available to Narendra Modi is to erase Nehru’s legacy. There are good outcomes even in malicious activities. Today, more Indians are aware of India’s 1st Prime Minister than prior to 2014. With access to smartphones people have become more inquisitive about Nehru and his accomplishments. In brief, it’s safe to say that Modi has resurrected the behemoth leader who shan’t subside anytime soon. If that’s not immortality then what is?



Mohit Swami

Raised up in Kuwait. Bibliophile. Student of Finance. Freelance Writer. Indian by genes.