Embrace your biases & nudge for change. You might not be as ‘good’ as you think!

Inclusion Nudges
2 min readMay 9, 2018


Do you think you are one of the good people who do not exclude other people or great ideas because you are biased? We are sorry to have to challenge this selfperception. Good people also exclude even when their self perception is that they are open minded. Do you dare to know a bit more about yourself?

Tinna C. Nielsen, TEDx talk September 2017

Check out this TEDx talk by Tinna C. Nielsen, one of the Founders of the Inclusion Nudges non-profit change-initiative and global community.

Our next articles is about how to design Inclusion Nudges to mitigate bias in talent decisions and the TEDx talk by Lisa Kepinski the other Founder

In this TEDx talk Tinna illustrates how and why we are all biases and tribal and why it’s so damn important to change our behaviour and decision-making (and you get to meet my husband). Right not we are all a part of the problems of polarization that we are experiencing in our communities, workplaces and societies — even those of us who think ‘we are the good people’. We can all change this by applying insights from behavioural and social science and design Inclusion Nudges. Spot your patterns and embrace your biases — and then engage in re-designing systems, cultures, and behavioural — engage in changing our world for good!

This is what it means to ‘Create a Shared Future in a Fractured World’ which was the theme at World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos in January 2018. You don’t have to be invited to Davos 2018 to step up now and make a difference. Everyday people like you and me can make a difference whenever we want to.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world — indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.
(Margaret Mead, Anthropologist)

If you want to learn how to do this in your sphere of influence you can learn from the practical examples that other people have shared as part of the non-profit peer-to-peer Inclusion Nudges initiative and community. We are thousands of people worldwide who are nudging for inclusion and mitigating unconscious bias and we have so far shared 70+ Inclusion Nudges — it’s free of charge to be a part of this and we would love to have you join us in making our world more inclusive: www.inclusion-nudges.org

You can also start by downloading the free short version of the Inclusion Nudges Guidebook with practical examples of how you can apply theses interventions. And please do share your examples on the platform or in the ‘comments’ here.

You can also get a weekly Inclusion Nudge — for free.

Make sure you let people in your network know about this.

