Why Do We Always Want What We Can’t Have?

2 min readJul 20, 2021
Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

It’s totally depressing. But unfortunately it is the case that I always want to have exactly what I cannot have. Not just me, actually quite a few people feel the same way. When we are in a relationship, we long for time to ourselves and when we have no one, then we want to have a relationship again very quickly because we lack closeness. If we have a permanent job, we dream of the freedom that life as a freelancer offers, and now as freelancers, we very often want the security of a permanent position back. When we are at home we want to travel and when we travel we are often homesick.

It almost seems as if the grass on the other side of the fence is always at least twice as green and we only have so dried up scrub that urgently, but really urgently, needs to be disposed of. This phenomenon begins in early childhood. The toys of the others are always much more exciting, but when you finally have the longed-for toy after many thirds and yelling, it is suddenly no longer so interesting. This pursuit of the other begins on a small scale, for example when we find the meal of our table neighbor in the restaurant much more exciting than what we have ordered and can be infinitely far-reaching, such as when we question fundamental life decisions, for example our relationship or the work situation.




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