My Mind Is A Matrix

Michelle Louise Monet
2 min readDec 24, 2023

My mind is a matrix

And I really hate when it plays tricks

My kind of reasoning I can’t stand it

Beyond this urgency my plans manic

Good friends don’t come along to often

Slow me two words I hear to often

Come on teach me how to walk

Boss it’s not easy to be free of the mental planes talk

I dealt with you once before

The words I use come out all wrong

The versions of you don’t make sense

I’ve given you my life and you just black out

Me telling you the truth you don’t care for it

So go ahead and tell me that your lost

For ten years I starved my silouhete in tears

your lies made me consume this war I followed you to death you saw me

My mind is a matrix

These judgements keep me in a daydream

Sleep tight you won’t do me any favours

In blind when you took it all on to make me shame it’s

Wrong when you were capping in your money

You stole my dependency on drinking ,funny

When you walk around the physical abuses

Make me deny my kind of human the excuses

My mind is a matrix

I tell the truth but you don’t want to feel the rage that’s building on it

Follow you then dramas keep me intoxication

Allow me to fall in line with mental mayhem

My mind

My mind

My mind


In a matrix



Michelle Louise Monet

Windows of worlds in the museum of Earth, from a travelling mind in a place we call Perth 🌸 All artwork are original ©️ mlp22 All works original ©️ML Monet