Infiblue Whitepaper

Welcome to the best metaverse game

Infiblue World
36 min readMay 12, 2022

Version 1.2 | Last update: Jun 11, 2023

1. Executive Summary

Infiblue is a virtual world that mirrors our real one. As a result, Infiblue’s economy functions just like the real world economy, except it is built on the blockchain. This technology allows players to truly own, buy, and trade cryptocurrency within the game, similar to the mechanisms they use in the real world. Players can earn assets with real economic value by getting a job within the game, buying property, or starting a business. Infiblue is also a SocialFi game, meaning that players can advance within the game and earn rewards by creating and posting content.

2. Introduction to Infiblue


Our mission is to build a world that is not controlled by the richest and everyone can equally chase their dreams.

We are committed to unlocking opportunities for our players by creating a best-in-class, end-to-end decentralized, blockchain-based game that is continually engaging, innovative, and financially rewarding to play, with fully democratized gameplay.


Infiblue aims to be the best in class play-to-earn game in the market. By attracting talents from all over the world, Infiblue offers an online alternative to everyday life. Players emerge as thought leaders, artists, entrepreneurs, engineers, and political representatives. They will also have virtuous social lives on the platform.

3. Game Structure

3.1 Infiblue Community and Citizenship

Every player who has a long-term residential address in the Infiblue world becomes a citizen. The following actions can obtain the long-term residential address:

  • Purchasing a house
  • Signing a long-term rental agreement of more than one year
  • The electricity bill of the house will become a valid address proof

Citizens have the following attributes:

1. Social Credit is the way of tracking the behavior of citizens within Infiblue. Activities that affect credit score:

  • transaction records,
  • fraud records,
  • city council punishment
  • illegal posting of terrorism
  • racial discrimination-related remarks and
  • other violations of social justice.

2. Physical health Index is a tracking system for activities that affect health, such as:

  • Hunger level
  • Healthy diet (balance between grain, meat and vegetables)
  • Exercise (daily steps)
  • Sleeping (off line time)

3. Mental Health Index tracks the citizens’ social activity, number of communications, and friends in the community

4. Knowledge Index tracks participation in vocational or university education.

3.2 Jurisdictions

The City

The residents of the City elect the City Council, and the Chief Executive of the City is the Mayor. The City Council’s internal political system, social welfare system, tax types, and tax rates are independently determined by the City Council.

Citizens who have lived stably in a city for more than six months become residents of the city and have the right to vote for the city and its country councilors, mayors, and country leaders (the country residents’ votes determine the title of the leader).

The State

A state is formed by three or more adjacent cities, and the residents of the city independently decide to start a state; a city can also be separated from the state through a vote of its residents. The state’s internal political system, social welfare system, tax types, and tax rates are independently determined by the state council.

The Federal

The federal government is highest level of jurisdiction in Infiblue World. It consists of all states. The chief executive of the federal government is the Infiblue DAO. Federal’s mission includes creating a stable economic environment, creating jobs, providing public service and social welfare, etc. Federal has the right to decide federal tax rates and the cost of public services. Before private businesses can provide enough supply to the market, the federal government will run federal-owned businesses to provide supply and stabilize commodity prices, and these businesses are non-for-profit.

3.3 Overview of Economy

The Infiblue economy is based on real-world economic principles.

In the economy, Infiblue citizens are entrepreneurs and labor. Through their investment and labor, firms are established and running, producing all commodities. In return, citizens are compensated with salary and investment profits.

On the other hand, citizens are also consumers. They need to purchase all kinds of products and services from the market for their demands. The rest of their income is their savings and flows into the financial market.

As the economy grows, companies can borrow from the financial market to finance their expansion; and the government can issue bonds to finance public service, constructions etc.

Through economic activity, infiblue NFTs generate values. And the owner is entitled to the cash flow generated by the NFT. For example, a piece of land can be rented to a company who builds a factory on it and produces products. The owner of the land will collect rent each month. Thus, Infiblue NFTs have a solid underneath value and can be priced using Discounted Cash Flow model.


  • DPV is the discounted present value of the future cash flow (FV), or FV adjusted for the delay in receipt;
  • FV is the nominal value of a cash flow amount in a future period (see Mid-year adjustment);
  • r is the interest rate or discount rate, which reflects the cost of tying up capital and may also allow for the risk that the payment may not be received in full;
  • n is the time in years before the future cash flow occurs.

With the productivity growth, Infiblue world will generate more value from each unit of property (NFT). In the same example, when the factory can produce more products in the same period of time, the value of the land increases as well. Thus, the NFT will appreciate.

3.3.1 Infiblue Requires no Money for Players to Get Started

There are many two ways in which a player can get started in Infiblue with no investment. First, the player can become a content creator, and post in the game for payment. This is known as SocialFi. The player can also acquire a job and gain a paid salary within the game.


Players are rewarded for their social activities and content creation in the game. For example, when players make friends, attend social activities, or post and react to posts, they obtain points that can be converted to digital currency. This digital currency can then be converted to real-world currency.

  • Connecting to many players in the game as friends
  • Actively involved in the discussion
  • Creating popular content

……..Number of likes received

……..Number of times being reposted

……..Number of times being quoted by media

……..Tips from other players

  • Participating in election
  • Participating in self-governance

SocialFi rewards are reserved as a part of Tokenomics, which will be discussed in later sections.

Every 24 hours, the SocialFi rewards pool will be refilled with 8,000 Monie. This amount halves every 36 months.

In addition to the Monie rewards,

  • 70% of Infiblue world’s ads Income will be paid to players as SocialFi rewards in the form of game coins
  • 20% of the public service income will be paid to players as SocialFi rewards in the form of game coins.

These Monie will be distributed to players’ wallets based on players’ social scores, which are calculated, following the rules below.

Infiblue Chat Plus Membership benefits

- 4x socialFi credits
- post with full-network visibility, open an official account, and receive tips.
- sell product and service and live streaming in Infiblue Chat (subject to Infiblue World’s rules to set up a business).
- Priority access to new features in Infiblue Chat.
New users will have a 3-day free trial of Infiblue Chat membership.

How to get Infiblue Chat Plus membership

Donate 5 Monie to the Infiblue World DAO, and the Monie will be directly transferred to a smart contract address and permanently locked. i.e. Monie can only be transferred in and cannot be transferred out from this smart contract. Complete the 5 Monie donation before Dec 31 2023 to activate lifetime Infiblue Chat Plus. Afterwards, 5 Monie donation will activate Infiblue Chat Plus for 5 years.

*Tips: other users can tip the content creator with Monie or Gold coins.
*In public groups with more than 10 people or in public posts, any content of terrorism, racial discrimination, pornography, personal attacks, repeating messages etc. are prohibited.


Through playing the game, players can earn digital assets and translate that to real world currency. Infiblue includes several ways to achieve this:

  • Find a job and earn salary income.
  • Start a business and make profit
  • Invest in NFT
  • Rent your property and collect rental income
  • Resale your property for profit
  • Earn rewards by completing tasks in game
  • Earn income by providing service to other players
  • Earn reward by taking NFT and Monie

Referral Policy

Infiblue need your help to grow our community! To give our community members incentives to invite their friends, we created this referral policy. It gives members a chance to earn our crypto, game coins, and whitelist for NFT airdrop.

Earn $10 of Game Coins

When a player invites another one to join our game, both the inviter and invitee will receive $10 worth of game coins after the invitee completes the first deposit of $20. Game coins are different from our crypto and are used only in the game. Players can claim these game coins when the game launches. Players can use the game coins in the game.

Get a Whitelist for NFT airdrop and blind box

Players who invited more than 20 people to Infiblue membership website will qualify for an available spot on the whitelist. Players on the whitelist can avoid the lottery and participate in NFT airdrop or blind box. In every round, the total number of whitelist slots should be equal to or less than 50% of the total number of NFT. When the number of qualified players outnumbers the available spots in the whitelist, players will be ranked by the number of their invitees who joined our community. The players who invited more people will get the spots. The rest will join the regular lottery.

Earn Infiblue Crypto (Monie)

Players can get 2000 Monie when they invited 100 people who become valid users of Infiblue World, and they will get additional X monie* for every invitee beyond 100.

  • X is 20 before 9/1/2022, 10 from 9/1/2022 to 12/31/2022, 5 after 12/31/2022, and 0 after 7/31/2023
  • The end date for this reward is 7/31/2023.

Definition of valid user

A valid user is a registered user who completes the personal profile and provides Telegram ID, Twitter ID, and Discord ID, or become an active user of Infiblue Chat. (online 12 hours or more per day)


Infiblue is built on its own decentralized data storage and computation network. Players can mine our Token (Monie) by providing computing power and storage resources to the infrastructure. For the details about qualification and reward policy, please refer to the section of “5. Mining”. For the details about technique, please refer to the section of “6.2.3 Mining Function”.

3.3.2 Investing in Infiblue NFTs

The acronym “NFT’’ stands for Non-Fungible Token. They are digital assets that can be bought and sold and appreciated or depreciated. Infiblue’s NFTs are unique because players can leverage them just like property in the real world. The following are a few different types of Infiblue NFTs:

Genesis NFT

Genesis NFTs are the very first NFTs Infiblue will issue.

There are 5 types of Genesis NFTs with a total of 10,000, including Wind, Fire, Earth, Wood, and Water. There are three types of categories for describing how rare a Genesis NFT of each type is:

  • Normal
  • Rare
  • Extremely Rare

Each Genesis NFT is staked to the computing power mining node, which can increase the staking capacity of the node by 50,000 Monies (Please refer to the mining part in the technology section to learn more about mining). Players can collect a set of Genesis NFTs with all 5 types at the same rarity level to form a group. When a group of Genesis NFTS are staked into the computing power nodes, depending on the rarity level, the node’s staking capacity will increase by

  • extremely rare Genesis NFT group — 20 million Monies;
  • rare Genesis NFT group — 5 million Monies;
  • normal Genesis NFT group — 2.5 million Monies.

Players can obtain Genesis NFTs via a whitelist airdrop in the community (players need to pay the gas fee). 100 of them are directly owned by the founding team, and 50 are used as strategic reserves that are leased to miners in extreme cases, and the founding team exercises control rights;


Infiblue land is valued by a variety of factors. Most important to land pricing is the location and the natural resources beneath the surface. To gain a cash flow from land, an NFT owner can mine it for resources, build on it, or simply wait for it to appreciate in value and then sell it.


Houses in Infiblue can be bought, sold, or rented out for cash. They can also be used as a player’s residence for the player to participate in the governance of the local district.


Mines are at the heart of Infiblue’s economic system. The natural resources extracted from each mine can be sold to refineries and manufacturers all over the game.


Infiblue encourages and facilitates players to create content. These creations can be minted to NFTs, including players who created music, video, images, 3D designs, software or codes, patents, etc.

3.3.3 Examples of Infiblue Economy Sectors


Players can gain certifications and degrees through the Infiblue education system. There are two types of higher education: vocational colleges and universities.

Vocational colleges are public. Initially, each city had one public vocational college supported by city tax. It is free for residents but non-resident students need to pay tuition. Students of vocational colleges can gain certifications and become industrial technicians.

Private universities provide higher education, offering degrees in STEM (science, technology, education, and math) and business subjects.


The medical system includes a network of licensed hospitals. These hospitals are licensed by the city. Medical expenses are covered 100% by medical insurance. The city’s medical welfare and the residents share the cost of medical insurance, and the percentage is decided by the city council. Medical care for non-residents and non-insured residents is priced at market rates and should be within the federal guidance price range.


Insurance company: business owners need to have a federal insurance license. The owner should be an individual with an insurance license from any government and more than 5 years industrial experience, or an insurance company in the real world. The business owners need to publish their identity.

Banking: business owners need to have a federal banking license. The owner should be an individual with a banking license from any government and more than 5 years industrial experience, or a bank in the real world. The business owners need to publish their identity.

Broker/dealer: business owners need to have a federal license. It will be available in V2.0.


Players can build buildings on top of a vacant land, depending on the zoning. The construction will consume raw materials and labor. Once completed, the building can be used as a residential house or factory.

Car Manufacture

Cars allow players to move from point A to point B faster and expand their activity range. Car manufacture requires a factory space and consumes raw materials, labor and energy.


The transportation system is run by the federal government of the game. It includes airports and airlines, high speed rail, and electric vehicle charging stations.

Defense System

The military feature will be launched in the second version of the game. It will include a virtual reality battlefield, and all relevant military scientific and technological features.


Infiblue world mirrors the real world’s industrial system which includes: automobile manufacturing, steel factory, aluminum factory, chemistry factory, battery manufacturing, chip manufacturing, motor manufactory, logistics, construction, lumber industry, concrete factory etc.

These industries are open to all players from Day 1. Federal government will run these industries and provide products to the market until private business can provide enough supply to the market demand.


Players provide services to the community such as: car sales agent, car rental, labor outsourcing and agent, hotel, restaurant, markets, image design, architecture design, music studio etc.

3.3.4 Player Innovation Generated Economic Systems

The Infiblue world allows players to create a new economic system. The economic system can be initiated by the player’s city or the players can initiate a proposal with the signature support of 2,000 Infiblue world citizens. The proposal is voted by the Senate and House of Representatives in the Infiblue world governance system After the vote is passed, it can be successfully launched.

3.3.5 Taxation

Income and some transactions are taxable at Infiblue World for government spendings, such as government employees, education etc.

Federal Tax

Federal taxes are paid to Infiblue World Limited for the development and maintenance of the game. There are 2 types of taxes:
Sales tax — 3% of the transaction value
Income tax — 5% of the monthly taxable income.

Municipal Tax

The personal income tax rate is 5%. There is no double taxation for businesses in Infiblue. If a player starts a business, the business is taxed, but the player is not taxed on their personal income from the business.

3.3.6 Use of the public service income

The use of the public service income in the form of game coins:

  • 10% of it will be paid to players who complete tasks as rewards.
  • 20% of it will be paid to players as SocialFi rewards.
  • 180 days after the gold version is released, 20% of the public service income will be paid to computation miners as rewards in the form of game coins.
  • 180 days after the gold version is released, 5% of the public service income will be paid to data miners as rewards in the form of game coins
  • The rest will be used to for activities including:

.. … … transportation construction and maintenance

.. … … rewards for wars

.. … … additional development expenses

.. … … marketing expense of Infiblue World

3.4 Privacy

To ensure everyone can freely express themselves without concerns about retaliation, Infiblue protects players’ privacy. No IP addresses, personal privacy data nor messages between players are stored. These data points are erased from the game to ensure the safety and security of all participants.

Infiblue is a completely decentralized game, run by a DAO. The structure of the game offers no financial or any other type of reward for breaching the privacy of our players.

3.5 Version

Version 1.0

Simulate real world activities.

  • Time: Infiblue world time is the same as real world
  • Weather: reflect 60% of real world weather
  • Sunrise and Sunset: same as real world based on latitude and longitude
  • Natural disasters and accidents: synchronized with the real world with less than 30 mins lag.
  • Major public events: delayed synchronization with the real world with 30–240 mins lag. Some events will allow players to react in the metaverse, as a result the event may have a different result than real world.
  • Infiblue Economy V1.0

Version 2.0

This version will support Virtual Reality (VR), including the following:

  • Virtual office room
  • VR shopping
  • Virtual Gathering
  • Virtual Product Publication
  • VR war

Version 3.0

This version will support Mix Reality (MR). Infiblue world and the real world will visually merged, and interact with each other.

Infiblue Economy V2.0

4. Infiblue Tokenomics

4.1 Monie

Monie is the main Infiblue token. It is a governance token running on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) for community governance, voting, and purchasing NFT assets. Monie is a not a security. Infiblue World DAO will not sell Monie to the US citizens and organizations.

When the game starts, it will issue a total of 2 billion Monie in the following structure:

  • Community Round 1: 1.55%, linearly released during 36 months from Dec 1st, 2022.
  • Community Round 2: 0.2%, 10% will be released immediately, and the rest will be released linearly for 10 months from Dec 1st, 2022.
  • Seed Round Sale: 1%, linearly released during 36 months 30 days after listing at CEX.
  • Private Round Sale: 0.5%, 10% will be released immediately, and the rest will be released linearly during 10 months 30 days after listing at CEX.
  • Community construction reserve fund: 17.5% (Including expenses such as exchange liquidity reserve, market promotion, R&D cooperation, and airdrops in the community. we will disclose these expenses and the wallet address of the reserve fund.)
  • Team: 15%: will be paid in equal monthly payments for 36 months starting at 180 days after listing at CEX.
  • Computing power mining reward: 25%
  • Data mining reward: 25%
  • SocialFi reward: 14.25%

4.2 Game Coins

Game Coins are coins within the game. Unlike Monie, the game coins are not tokens and can only be used within the game.

The game initially issues 1 billion coins to ensure the normal operation when the game first starts. After that, the issuing of game coins is based on market demand. Players can purchase game coins at the rate of 1000 game coins per USD or USDT in the game. Game coin holders can also sell their coins back for USDT and Monie. Players need to pay the transaction fees when buying and selling.

Infiblue World DAO authorizes Infiblue World LLC to sell the game coins and manage the funds. The funds including USD and USDT will be managed and controlled by a 3rd party financial institution. The investment revenue (including interests) from this fund will be paid to Infiblue World LLC for operating expenses.

5. Mining

5.1 Mining with Computing Resource

Miners provide the computation power of Infiblue world, and they are rewarded with 1,000 Monie every 60 mins and this amount halves every 2 years.

180 days after the gold version is released, 20% of the public service income will be paid to computation miners as rewards in the form of game coins.

To maintain a stable system, miners need to stake Monie as collaterals. When the miners fail to provide the amount of computation capacity as promised for more than 30 mins, the node will be charged 0.05% of staked Monie every 10 mins as penalty. Scheduled system maintenance is exceptional. There is a pre-scheduled 6-hour window for system maintenance every month. For any down time beyond 6 hours, miners need to submit an application and get approval to avoid the penalty.

To become a miner of Infiblue World, one needs to:

  1. Become a Infiblue world Citizen, AND
  2. Stake at least 1 Genesis NFT to the node. Such NFT will decide the staking capacity of Monie. When more Monie staked in the node, more likely, the node will get the rewards, AND
  3. Submit a technical proposal to Infiblue World Ltd. and get approved.

The computation capacity is determined by the demand of the metaverse. More players and more activities will require more backend computation power. When computation capacity is met, additional applicants who finish point 1 and 2, will be added to the waiting list in the order of when the application was received.

5.2 Mining with DATA Node

Miners provide the data storage capacity to Infiblue World, and they are rewarded with 1,000 Monie every 60 mins and this amount halves every 2 years.

180 days after the gold version is released, 5% of the public service income will be paid to data miners as rewards in the form of game coins.

To maintain a stable system, miners need to stake Monie as collaterals. When the miners fail to provide the storage space as promised for more than 30 mins, the node will be charged 0.1% of staked Monie every 10 mins as penalty. When the staked Monie is less than 500, the mining node will be shut down. Scheduled system maintenance is exceptional. There is a pre-scheduled 24-hour window for system maintenance every month. For any down time beyond 24 hours, miners need to submit an application and get approval to avoid the penalty.

To become a data miner of Infiblue World, one needs to:

  1. Become a Infiblue World Citizen, AND
  2. Stake at least 500 Monie on the node, AND
  3. The mining machine satisfied Infiblue Security requirement (refer to technology part), AND
  4. At least 4 TB space per mining machine

6. Infiblue Technology

Infiblue Technology is inspired by the vision of a fully autonomous metaverse for equality and freedom, where a world is censorship-free and not controlled by any individual or organization, whether database, community governance, or even computing is completely decentralized, a metaverse that truly belongs to Infiblue citizens, who can decide the future of the world. Below are the principles we are following when building Infiblue Technology:

  • To achieve the complete decentralization of computation and storage, we use cutting-edge technologies as long as it is possible.
  • Reliability, efficiency, and security are the top priority of Infiblue system.
  • Benefit the participant who provides the computation or storage resource.

Let’s take a bottom-up look at Infiblue Technology: infrastructure layer, system layer built upon the infra, and the business layer that provides community development resources.

6.1 Infiblue Infrastructure (a.k.a. PI)

Our ultimate goal is to build a complete autonomous metaverse that does not depend on any individual or organization, so that we cannot unconditionally trust the current public cloud service providers, such as AWS, GLP, Azure, although they already offer a mature set of infra. Plenty of examples give us the lessons about putting trust in a central authority, where it is not a surprise if the service is down as a single point of failure, or my data gets sold to someone else, or even the access to my data gets revoked. Besides, some unreasonable censorship from the government is also another drawback from centralized platforms.

With all the concerns above, we decided to build Infiblue Infra (a.k.a. PI) as a decentralized platform, where Infiblue citizens and community are the actual owners of Infiblue service and data. From the hardware perspective, the computation and storage resources of Infiblue Infra (PI) are provided by the qualified Infiblue citizens from all over the world. Similarly to the proof-of-stake concept from blockchain, the corresponding rewards are awarded to the resource provider. From the software perspective, PI is open-sourced, built and maintained by the Infiblue World Limited and the development community that is made up of Infiblue citizens as well. The following sections are going to discuss how to create the initial version of Infiblue Infrastructure.

6.1.1 Infra Resource

The biggest difference between PI and other existing infra platforms is that all the necessary resources including computation, storage, and network are provided by Infiblue citizens who are also rewarded by doing this, which is based on the theory that the people who contribute value to the decentralization take ownership or economic stake. In terms of mining related details, such as qualification and reward policy, please refer to the section of “5. Mining”.

How to guarantee the reliability of the decentralized infrastructure?

Despite the benefits from decentralization mentioned above, a major tradeoff is the performance gap compared to the centralized network. In order to achieve high reliability from PI, we are going to adopt the following:

  1. The resource quality from each participant will be verified strictly during the approval. This includes the amount and the hardware requirement of the resource. For example, network bandwidth, memory size, CPU architecture, GPU, etc.
  2. Beyond the above, other critical environmental factors are considered during approval as well. For example:

……..Power supplies: UPS and generators installed;

……..Necessary device redundancy: AC, routers, UPS, etc;

……..Cooling system;

……..Protection against fire and flood;

……..Protection against unauthorized access;

3. During runtime, the PI monitoring system is able to detect any abnormal behaviors associated with the specific set of resources, so that it will be isolated from the production infra network to reduce the further impact.

4. Correspondingly, the participant will get punished due to the resource-related issue by deducting Monies rewards, which largely guarantees participants’ active enthusiasm for ensuring resource quality.

5. Meanwhile, just in case when the resources provided by the Infiblue citizens are not sufficient, the reserved resource on the public cloud as backup will kick in to ensure the reliability of the Infiblue world. Once the resource from Infiblue citizens is recovered, the public cloud resource will be taken offline.

What’s the minimum requirement of the machines needed by PI?

Based on the infra service type, different requirements on the machines are needed. Besides, along with the hardware upgrade, the requirement would also change accordingly. Since PI is designed and built only for Infiblue services, there are specific requirements that correspond to a certain type of service. For example, in the storing part, the minimum requirements for disk and flash-related resources are based on the IOPS required by a particular service. In the computing part, the minimum requirements for CPU or GPU-related resources depend on the nature of the computation and even require a specific CPU architecture. Additionally, such requirements are not always the same for all participants and are determined by the needs and allocation of resources at the time. Meanwhile, Infiblue will officially issue licenses for qualified mining machines, so that Infiblue citizen could directly use the licensed mining machine to expedite the approval process.

6.1.2 Infra Fundamental

PI divides all resources by Regions that consist of multiple Nodes. “Region” stands for a resource unit providing services based on geographical location. “Nodes” is similar to the “zones” called in GCP, or the “availability zones” called in AWS, that is a logically grouping concept. Infiblue services are deployed across regions to provide service to the Infiblue citizens who live closely to the region. Such deployment within a region is across multiple nodes with many instances for high availability purposes. As the Infiblue world develops, PI will contain more regions and nodes, whose geographic locations are determined by the distribution density of Infiblue citizens in the real world.

What is Node? How is it related to the resource provided by Infiblue citizens?

The resource provided by each of Infiblue citizens can be thought of as a physical data center, which is called “miner” within PI. A node is a logical data center consisting of multiple physical data centers (PI miners), so each node has redundant and independent power, networking and connectivity to reduce the chance of simultaneous failures. The physical data centers (PI miners) contained within the same node must be close to each other and have sufficient network connectivity speed.

What is Region? How many Nodes does a Region have?

A Region is a geographical location with a collection of nodes mapped to physical data centers (PI miners) in that region. Every region is physically isolated from and independent of every other region in terms of location, power, and other supplies, etc. Such isolation is important for workloads that are latency-sensitive and need to be located near players in a particular geographic area. For the reliability purpose, the minimum number of nodes a region should have is 3. The upper bound of this number is determined by the workload of that region and the resource provided from each miner within the nodes. In addition, PI does not need to support a huge workload like AWS or GCP, so that each node would be relatively small.

How many Regions is PI going to build?

When PI starts hosting Infiblue services, two regions will be launched in production at the same time. As Infiblue grows, PI will build more regions, whose geographic locations are determined by the density of Infiblue citizens distributed in the real world.

How to build Region and Node?

As discussed above, Region and Node are logical concepts. Under the hood, they consist of individual PI miners provided by Infiblue citizens. At the time when a PI miner is initialized, each of the bare metals is tagged with the corresponding logical node and region. The service deployment, load balancing, and auto-scaling are performed based on such tags by the PI management system. In the rest of the document, the PI management system will be discussed more.

6.1.3 Service Deployment

Infiblue world is built based on a complex distributed system. We need a way for different components to talk to each other and work together in harmony on PI. Due to the nature of PI and for the sake of system efficiency considerations, Infiblue services are containerized software that can be easily managed, deployed, and scaled by the PI management system that is built based on Kubernetes.

Containerized software uses container technique, which is similar to VMs but much more lightweight. Containers have their own filesystem, share of CPU, memory, and process space. As they are decoupled from the underlying infrastructure and package up code and all the dependencies, they are portable from one computing environment to another across PI cloud distribution.

PI management system is built on top of Kubernetes, also known as K8s, which is an extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, and provides a framework to run distributed systems resiliently. It also takes care of scaling, load balancing and failover for the application. The following is to discuss the details related to service deployment topics.

What is Service in the PI Management System?

A PI service is a containerized software exposed to the public network via an external IP or only available inside of a PI network. The content within a container is called “image” containing application code, libraries, tools, dependencies and other files needed to make the container to run. The smallest deployable unit is called a “pod” containing one or multiple containers that work together to provide service to the caller, which is an instance of the service. A group of pods running the same containerized application forms a “cluster”, which could be deployed across multiple nodes within a region. The external IP of the service is the IP address of the load balancer of the cluster. Other than the machines running the service, the management components of the cluster are also deployed along with the service, which controls the state of the cluster to determine the specific container image running in the pod.

How to manage service deployments across multiple clusters?

Proper multi-cluster management ensures consistent serving across all environments, enterprise-grade security (secret management), and workload management (feature parity). A good CI/CD pipeline is also required during the deployment procedure for PI services.

There are two dimensions about deployments across multiple clusters. Vertically, each of the service stages is a separate cluster. For instance, we could create different clusters for development, testing, and production for the same service. The deployment on this dimension requires us to go through each stage one by one, from development cluster to production cluster, along with running the tests against the new container image to verify the health of the service. Only the successful deployment can trigger the deployment for the next stage cluster. Horizontally, the same service needs to be deployed across multiple regions. Even within the same region, it is possible to create multiple clusters across different nodes due to the scalability consideration.

Currently, we intend to use Rancher as the initial basis for a multiple-cluster deployment solution. Rancher is an open source software that addresses the operational and security challenges of managing multiple Kubernetes clusters across any infrastructure.

Where is the multi-cluster deployment management service running?

Due to the critical role of the multi-cluster deployment, high reliability and security is a must. A couple of options as below:

  1. Running on the PI network with the hosts provided by the DAO.
  2. Running on a public cloud (GCP or AWS), the account is managed by the DAO.

Further evaluation will be performed at the time the Rancher fleet is built.

What other features does the PI management system build based on Kubernetes and Rancher?

For the sake of development efficiency, as long as a feature has been built on enterprise-grade level, we will firstly try it out and verify if it fits into the PI use case. Integrate the feature into PI if it works properly, otherwise, we will develop the feature we need on our own. Within the initial release, we are considering to have the flexible configuration directly onto each of the stage clusters, and be able to canary environments consistently, etc.

How does Auto-scaling work?

Autoscaling is the foundation of a high-availability system. Without automatic scaling, manual configuration and subsequent scaling down of resources every time conditions change prevents the system from not only operating at optimal resource utilization but also responding quickly to demand spikes. PI supports two levels of auto scaling based on Kubernetes:

  1. Pod-based scaling: supported by the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and the Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA).

……..HPA: when the level of application usage changes, it adds or removes pod replicas. The metrics measuring the usage level is customizable.

……..VPA: set limits on container resources based on live data.

2. Node-based scaling: supported by the Cluster Autoscaler.

……..Cluster autoscaler: it changes the number of cluster nodes, while HPA scales the number of running cluster pods. Cluster autoscaler seeks unschedule pods and tries to consolidate pods that are currently deployed on only a few nodes. It loops through these two tasks constantly.

How does Load Balancing Routing work?

Generally, PI supports two level load balancing: cross region routing and cluster level LB. Cross region routing is similar to AWS Route 53, which could route the traffic from the local region to another region based on the workload and the service health monitoring metrics. Cluster level load balancing is the feature provided by Kubertenets that the traffic is distributed evenly based on the configured LB strategy.

6.1.4 Infra Security

Security in the Infiblue world is as important as in the real world. Various transactions between Infiblue citizens or between Infiblue world and other parties require a high level of security protection to guarantee Infiblue’s day-to-day activities. PI security is the fundamental of the security of Infiblue. This section we are discussing PI security briefly.

As a cloud based infrastructure, PI security focuses on multiple layers: Cloud, Clusters, Containers, and Code. Cloud is the fundamental infrastructure vulnerability, including the ability to prevent various attacks, etc. Cluster means the security on the application layer providing a secure procedure of building and managing the services deployed in PI. Container means the container vulnerability scanning, OS dependency security, and image Signing, etc. Code level refers to the security on the access to the source code, and static code analysis, etc.

How to implement isolation among containers?

Theoretically, any container that implements CRI (Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface) would be compatible with Infiblue Infra. But only the container technique that provides sufficient isolation should be considered. Especially when developer API is available and 3rd party applications are allowed to be running in Infiblue world. Meanwhile, resource sharing is the next priority to be considered for the sake of efficiency. Based on the two major requirements, Sandbox-based containers would be the preferred choice for PI. With a sandbox like gVisor that is designed specifically for security isolation of processes on a host by creating a specialized guest kernel for running containers, the contained processes still effectively share a kernel, but instead of using Linux features for isolation, a dedicated security sandbox is used to provide any resources (such as networking) and to arbitrate calls made by the application that require kernel resources.

What security feature does PI have along with using K8?

The transportation within the K8 domain network is protected by TLS. The admin API server presents a certificate. This certificate may be signed using a private certificate authority (CA), or based on a public key infrastructure linked to a generally recognized CA. Each cluster deployed with K8 could use a dedicated private certificate authority, which is deployed on the client so that the connection is trusted and cannot be intercepted.

Beyond the TLS connection is the authentication procedure that includes client certificates, password, and plain tokens, bootstrap tokens, and JSON Web Tokens. Multiple authentication steps can be specified, in which case each one is tried in sequence, until one of them succeeds.

Authorization is right after authentication. K8 supports multiple authorization modules, such as ABAC mode, RBAC mode, and Webhook mode. Each of the steps are checked, if any of the steps authorizes the request, then the request can proceed.

The next is Admission Control modules are software modules that can modify or reject requests. Unlike Authentication and Authorization, if any admission controller module rejects, then the request is immediately rejected.

Who has the access to the PI, including the deployment management?

As mentioned above, PI has restricted admission control on multiple layers. Personnel is only authorized with the necessary access to complete the work. The DAO is the only authority that manages the allocation of resource permissions, including PI resources and backing up public cloud resources.

How is the source code managed?

The Infiblue world is open source to the development community formed by its citizens. All the members in the community are able to contribute to the Infiblue world. The code review is approved by the develop-core team managed by DAO. Source code and its related toolings are stored and deployed on PI as well, which does not depend on any third party repo service such as github.

How is the data related to Infiblue citizen privacy managed?

Privacy protection is also one of the fundamental elements of Infiblue world. Sensitive data is transmitted using end-to-end encryption, where data is encrypted when it travels over the network, the same as when it is stored within the data storage. In terms of the private key protection, the rules below will be followed:

  1. The generation of the key is done on the same system and the same local filesystem as the storage location. The file containing the key is protected by ACL.
  2. The root CA’s key is secured by using a hardware storage solution in combination with the right control processes.
  3. It is checked periodically to verify who has access to private keys, which is using software to automate the verification monitoring whenever possible.

6.1.5 Data Storage

The data storage provided by Infiblue Infrastructure is built based on the consideration of decentralization and reliability, in which case performance is on the secondary priority, although it is important as well in certain situations. This requires PI to provide multiple storage solutions for the different scenarios. In the initial phase, NoSQL databases and decentralized object storage are the major storage solutions that PI supports.

NoSQL Database

For the most common types of data, such as Infiblue metadata, game data, user data, and configuration data, etc, NoSQL databases would be a flexible and easy-extendible solution. Data replication will be applied across regions. The data retention is set up based on the amount of the resource at the time, but the minimum would be 6-months. Mongodb will be the initial NoSQL implementation adopted on PI.

Decentralized Storage

For the public data whose content is not expected to be modified often, such as media, static web pages, and documents, decentralized object storage is a good solution. We could start with building a private IPFS network along with WireGuard to knit the DATA nodes across PI nodes and regions. This DATA network could be extended to have more nodes from the public network. These nodes are dedicatedly used for decentralized storage purposes, and obtaining benefits similar to other resource providers on PI. Go-IPFS will be the initial version of the implementation adopted on PI.


In the future, PI will support more data storage solutions to fulfill further data processing requirements from Infiblue world. Decentralized storage will be the foundation of any PI service that requires storage support, including NoSQL database; so that Infiblue is a truly decentralized world.

6.2. Infiblue System

6.2.1 Backend Architecture

6.2.2 Infiblue Backend

As shown in the Infiblue backend architecture diagram above, the service mainly runs on the Infiblue PI cloud. AWS and GCP are reserved as backup resources to handle emergencies only. According to the resource types corresponding to Infiblue mining, services are categorized into computation and storage.

In the computation part, services are divided into 6 layers according to their responsibilities and position in the business logic. Below is a brief description of them.

  • System Layer: the native services provided by PI that have nothing to do with Indiblue world logic.

……..Load Balancer: enables to route incoming requests to obtain the optimal performance.

……..Cloud Management: enables to build and manage PI cloud at every level, including machines, miners, nodes, and regions.

……..Continuous Deployment: enables automatic deployment of service builds and provides reliable service

  • Platform Layer: the services provide the most fundamental functionality to power Infiblue world.

……..Authentication: authenticates a player this is the very first step for any type of service

……..Queue service: provides queuing service.

……..API Gateway: provides the basic common functions of API for backend services, such as authorization, access control, throttling, monitoring, etc.

  • Game Logic: the services provides the main game logic in Infiblue world.

……..Game Service: the main service with Infiblue world logic, more like an entry point of the game logic.

……..Developer Game Service: this could be multiple services running small games implemented by the Infiblue developer API..

……..Game Matchmaker: to create a game session for multiple players.

……..SocialFi Service: the service implements Infiblue socialFi logic.

……..GameFi Service: the service implements Infiblue gameFi logic.

……..Game Messenger: the service enables players to communicate with each other in games.

……..Developer API Service: the service that enables the Infiblue development community to build applications that can be deployed and integrated into Infiblue world.

  • Numerical Statistics: the services collect data and provide statistical results for all kinds of purposes.

……..Monitoring Metrics Service: to aggregate and store monitoring metrics at multiple granularities

……..Mining Data Service: to process mining-related data for each miner

……..Citizen Data Service: to process various data for every Infiblue citizen in the game

……..Tax Data Service: to process the tax data from Infiblue world

  • Settlement: the service converts statistical results into Monies and USD through a number of dynamic factors and algorithms.

……..Settlement Service: to come up with settlement statements based on various statistics for different purposes

  • BlockChain:

……..BlockChain API and Proxy: the gateway from Infiblue to Blockchains

In the storage part, the two major storage implementations are NoSQL database and decentralized storage. NoSQL Database spans computation and storage because from a miner’s perspective, it would consume computation resources until its underlying implementation is based on decentralized storage.

The above is a high-level architecture diagram that hides many details of the connections among services, including some trivial components. But it is good enough to show the main structure of Infiblue World backend from both of functionality and implementation perspective.

6.2.3 Mining Function

As mentioned above in the Infra Resource section, one of the critical foundations of the decentralization is that the resource used to build PI are provided by Infiblue citizen, where Monies are granted as reward correspondingly. The procedure where the resource is rewarded during its operation is called mining. There are two ways of mining that an Infiblue citizen could participate in, which are briefly described as below. Please also refer to the “5. Mining” section for the information about miner qualification, reward, and punishment details.

Mining with Computing Resource

The quantification for the mining reward through computation resource operation is based on reliability metrics, latency metrics, the volume of the request, and the type of the request during a certain period of time, which are provided by the PI monitoring system and PI logging system. These two systems act as calibrators for each other for the accuracy purpose. The calculation of the absolute workload for a particular miner could be simply expressed by the following formula:


t is the time period in the unit based on the monitoring and logging system data flush frequency;

T is a constant of the mining statistical cycle whose initial value is 60 minutes;

r is the type of request;

V is the volume metrics;

P is the reliability metrics based on service error only;

L is the latency metrics within the miner’s machine;

f() is to get the particular volume of a type of request;

g() is to get the adjustment factor based on the reliability;

h() is to get the adjustment factor based on the latency;

w() is to get the weight factor based on the type of request (e.g. resource preference).

The actual Monies granted would be calculated based on the total workload during the certain period of T across all the qualified miners in PI.

Mining with DATA Node

A DATA private network will be set up in PI as mentioned above in the Storage section. The initial implementation will be branched from Go-IPFS. The additional components for monitoring and logging will be merged on top of it, which will be also connected to the PI monitoring and logging ecosystem. Along with the development of the PI DATA mining network, there will be two types of reward calculations for a DATA miner, which is summarized as two phases below:

  • Phase I: the calculation is very similar to mining with computing resources, but the main factor is the reliability of miners, including the reliability of storage service, and the correctness of content encryption. The workload is not considered as much as its reliability.
  • Phase II: the workload plays an equally critical role as reliability, which means the more work miners do with high reliability, the more rewards miners get. Phase II also introduces some additional factors:


……..Bandwidth on read and write

……..Pinning data usage

IPFS gateway is not within this scope.

6.2.4 Blockchain

Infiblue’s NFTs are BEP-721 tokens and Monie are BEP-20 tokens.

Infiblue smart contracts will be deployed on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), due to the following advantages:

  1. Mature and reliable technology. BSC’s technology is based on Ethereum and they share the majority of the codes.
  2. BSC programming language is Solidity. It shares all Ethereum’s developer tools and resources.
  3. BSC has a robust ecosystem, with a large amount of apps running on it
  4. Gas fee is low.

6.3 Infiblue Development Community

6.3.1 Developer API

We will launch Infiblue Developer API that allows developers to build bots, services, and even small games that are integrated into Infiblue world, where the application could interact with the player from all over the world. The Infiblue API will provide more and more functionality as several phases are released. More to come soon!

7. Governance

Infiblue DAO

Infiblue World is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization(DAO), and it comprises two governing bodies — the House of Representatives and the Monie Holders Governing Body. Therefore, any proposal to impact the game’s structure must be initiated with the support of 2k Infiblue players. The proposal is then considered by the House of Representatives and the Monie Holders Governing Body and can be passed with a majority vote.

The Monie Holders Governing Body is comprised of owners of wallets or smart contracts with Monie in them. Monie Holders’ voting power in the Governing Body is determined by the amount of Monie. Therefore, one Monie represents one voting power. The founding team owns the contracts for staking and undistributed tokens.

The House of Representatives is comprised of elected leaders from each district. The Representatives are voted into office by the Citizens. Mayors and governors of cities and states automatically become Representatives.

To ensure a healthy growth before all members of the House of Representatives are elected, the founding team will practice its function in governance.

To be a Citizen, a player must rent or own a property in a district as their primary address. It will be discussed in detail in the next section.

There are two categories of proposals.

Minor Proposals:

Minor Proposals must have a quorum requirement of 30% participants of the House of Representatives and 10% of the Monie Holders Governing Body. Minor Proposals need a majority of over 50% of the vote to pass.

Major Proposals:

Major Proposals have a quorum requirement of 50%. Major Proposals also need a majority of over 50% of the vote to pass.

The following functions qualify as a Major Proposal:

  • Whether to continue to entrust Infiblue World Limited with developing and maintaining the Infiblue world’s IT system;
  • Change the governance structure;
  • Matters that have a particularly significant impact on the Infiblue world include increasing or decreasing federal tax types and tax rates.
  • Change the manager of game coins funds pool.

Income and Expenses

Income from 1st and 2nd round of Monie sales and NFT sales will be paid to Infiblue World Limited for the development and maintaining the Infiblue world’s IT system.

Use of Infiblue World’s ads income:

  • 70% will be paid to players as SocialFi rewards
  • 10% will be paid to players who complete tasks
  • 20% will be paid to Infiblue World Limited as ads commission

Open Source

Players can add to the Infiblue game because Infiblue’s code is open source. This feature makes Infiblue a true community, where its citizens are empowered to influence the game as it progresses.

To ensure security in the early phase, the founding team will release the source code through a process, which depends on the development of our server nodes, data storage nodes, and anti-hacking capability.



Infiblue World

Infiblue World is a blockchain-based game that simulates the real world, allowing players to earn income through gameplay and social networking.