How Hamza Ahmed Went from Depressed, to a Multi Millionaire on Youtube.

Infinfy Education
3 min readOct 29, 2023


Hamza’s journey to becoming a successful YouTuber was a story of determination, creativity, and resilience. But his personal revenue streams didn’t happen overnight; they were the result of years of hard work and a deep understanding of the online content creation world.

Born in a small town, Hamza was always fascinated by technology and the internet. As a child, he spent hours exploring the web and was particularly drawn to YouTube, where he watched videos on various topics, from video games to cooking. It was during this time that he discovered his passion for creating content and sharing his thoughts with the world.

With a background in graphic design, Hamza started his YouTube channel as a creative outlet. At first, he posted videos on a wide range of subjects, experimenting with what resonated most with his audience. Although his early efforts gained a modest following, Hamza knew he needed to find a way to turn his passion into a sustainable career.

His first major revenue stream came from YouTube ads. As his subscriber count and views increased, so did his income from ad revenue. Hamza quickly learned the importance of producing high-quality, engaging content and optimised his videos for maximum viewership. This not only increased his income but also helped him gain more subscribers, creating a snowball effect.

In addition to YouTube ads, Hamza sought out sponsorships from brands related to his niche. He collaborated with companies whose products and services aligned with his content, and these partnerships allowed him to earn a significant income. He made sure to maintain his authenticity, only promoting products he genuinely believed in, which resonated with his audience and built trust.

Understanding the value of direct support from his most dedicated viewers, Hamza established a Patreon account. He offered exclusive content, behind-the-scenes access, and personalized interactions with his fans in exchange for their financial support. This approach not only provided him with a steady stream of income but also created a tight-knit community around his channel.

Seeing an opportunity to diversify his income, Hamza launched his own merchandise line. Branded clothing, accessories, and other items related to his channel quickly gained popularity among his fans. This not only provided an additional source of revenue but also served as a way for his supporters to show their love for his work.

Affiliate marketing was another revenue stream that Hamza tapped into. He began to include affiliate links in his video descriptions, earning a commission on sales generated through those links. He was careful to choose products and services that were relevant to his content, ensuring that his recommendations were genuinely helpful to his viewers.

Hamza’s journey wasn’t without its challenges. He faced algorithm changes, competition, and the occasional setback. However, he was always willing to adapt, experiment with new content types, and explore opportunities on different platforms. His resilience and willingness to learn from both success and failure were crucial to his continued growth and financial success as a YouTuber.

In the end, Hamza’s personal revenue streams were the result of his unwavering passion for content creation, a deep understanding of his audience, and a commitment to providing value to his viewers. His story serves as a testament to the potential of turning a creative passion into a thriving online career, and it continues to inspire aspiring content creators worldwide.

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